The Essex Naturalist 21 Cheilosa vulpina (Meigen) This seems to he a very localised fly in Essex with all records emanating from the Thurrock district. It is a hoverfly of woodlands where it visits Umbellifers. Larvae have been found in the roots of Globe Artichoke Cynara scolymus. There are recent records from Brannetts Wood, North Stifford, TQ5880, 31.v.90 (R G Payne) and Millwood Chalk Pit, Grays,TQ5978, 1994 (P R Harvey). Criorhina asilica (Fallen) A scarce woodland hoverfly with very few recent records. Mill Wood, Thorndon Park, TQ6289, v.93 (P R Harvey) and 22.V.94 (R G Payne). Didea fasciata Macquart A nationally scarce woodland hoverfly recorded by Harwood in Colchester in the 1900s. No records between these dates and the late 1980s. In the last five years it has been recorded as follows: Lexden, near Colchester TL9825, several records from a garden between 15.v.89- 22.vii.93 (] Bowden) and Beckton, TQ4482, a male in an "insectocutor" trap in the security lodge at the sewage works, vii.1993 (CW Plant). Lejops vittata (Meigen) A nationally rare species restricted to coastal grazing marshes perhaps more frequent in the Thames Marshes than elsewhere. Recent records from Barling Marsh, along borrow dyke, TQ9390, 14.vii.90 (R G Payne) and Fobbing Marsh, TQ7384, 19.V.93 (R G Payne). Melangyna arctica (Zetterstedt) Mainly a northern species with very few southern records. There is so far only one Essex record, from Stour Wood, on hawthorn blossom, TM1931, 27.iv.90 (R Leavett). Neoascia obliqua Coe A scarce fly usually found in marshes and aquatic habitats in woods. A recent record is from Elsenham Quarry, TL5426, 2.V.95 (C W Plant). Neocnemodon pubescens Delucchi & Pschorn-Walcher A scarce woodland fly. Previously un-recorded from Essex. The only county record is from the City of London Cemetery, Manor Park, TQ4185, in a malaise trap, 1.vii. - 9.viii.94 (C W Plant). Parasyrphus malinellus (Collin) Described as new to science from British material in 1952. The following is the first Essex record: Great Bendysh Wood TL6240 19.V.91 (R G Payne). Platycheirus occultus Goeldin, Maibach & Speight Recently split from P. clypeatus (1990). So far only three Essex records: Rushey Mead EWT Reserve, Great Hallingbury, TL4919, (C Watson); East Ham, in Rothamsted light trap, TQ4282, 20.vii.92 (C W Plant).