32 The Essex Naturalist Essex Wildlife Trust who was moving paving stones above a badger sett in Prittlewell, Southend, last October. Full details of all the Essex Orthoptera will be found in the forthcoming publication. New and interesting records of Essex Hemiptera P Kirby 21 Grafton Avenue, Netherton, Peterborough PE3 9PD This report summarises the more interesting records since 1990. Species are listed in alphabetical order. Berytinus hirticornis (Brulle) (Berytidae). Shoebury Old Ranges, TL9284, captured in pitfall traps on several dates between 24th June and 24th August 1992; coll. R G Payne, det. P Kirby. This is a Nationally Scarce species. It has been increasing in the south-east of England in recent decades, but records are still rather widely scattered. Brachysteles parvicornis (Costa) (Anthocoridae). Shoebury Old Ranges, TL9284, in a pitfall trap operated from 24th June to 10th July 1992; coll. R G Payne, det. P Kirby. New to Essex. This is a very local species usually found in small colonies in tussocks of grassy vegetation, often in areas of low or sparse vegetation, where it feeds on Oribatid mites. It is easily overlooked. Drymus ryei Douglas & Scott (Lygaeidae). City of London Cemetery, TQ424865, in a pitfall trap operated in May 1994; coll. C W Plant, det. P Kirby. Seemingly the first recent record for this rather local ground-dwelling species. Eurydema oleracea (L.) (Pentatomidae). Mill Wood Pit, TQ5978, 12th August 1994; coll. P R Harvey, det. P Kirby. This brightly-coloured shieldbug is very local nationally. It seems to be quite well established on the outer fringes of London, where it is usually found on horseradish Armoracia rusticana growing on waste ground, neglected allotments and verges, but this is the first record I have seen from further east. Megalonotus chiragra (Fab.), M. emarginatus (Rey) (Lygaeidae). A recent paper (Aukema & Nau 1992) describes the occurrence of these two species in Britain; previously they were both confused under M. chiragra. Both species are rather uncommon nationally. Aukema &. Nau list one Essex record for M. emarginatus (Great Braxted, 1945). Re-examination of recent specimens previously identified as M. chiragra shows both species to occur in the county, neither apparently especially rare. There are several recent records of M. chiragra from post-industrial sites within London (Limmo Peninsula TQ391811,