The Essex Naturalist 33 Bonabond Site TQ511851, Eastbrookend TQ514858, Beckton TQ440810, Albert Dock TQ4385). M. emarginatus has been found at several coastal and near-coastal sites (The Naze, Walton, TM2520, Benfleet TQ7985, Hall Hill, West Tilbury, TQ6677). Only a single recent record from Stratford spoils the urban/rural split between the two species. The difference in distribution almost certainly results chiefly from the characteristics of the substrate. M. chiragra seems to require very well-drained sandy or gravelly substrates, whereas M. emarginatus can cope with rather heavier soils, such as those on the sea banks. Orius laticollis (Reuter) (Anthocoridae). Rushey Mead, TL4919, 5th August 1994; coll. C W Plant, det. P Kirby. New to Essex. Orius is a somewhat difficult genus, and tends to be rather under-recorded. O. laticollis was added to the British list as recently as 1971 (Woodroffe 1971). It is a rather local insect, chiefly associated with willows and poplars, though it can be common where it occurs. Since its recognition in Britain it has proved to be quite widespread in the south-east, but very few records have been published. Its addition to the county list is rather overdue; it may well prove widely distributed. Orsillus depressus Dallas (Lygaeidae). Gidea Park, TQ532901, 27th September 1992; P Kirby. A recent arrival in Britain, O. depressus was first recorded in Britain in Surrey in 1987 (Hawkins 1989), and has since been reported more widely (though not commonly) in the south-east. In Britain it feeds chiefly, if not entirely, on Lawson cypress Chamaecyparis lawsoniana. The Gidea Park population was large (several hundred adults and nymphs were seen, and since the two trees containing them were large, the total population was almost certainly many thousands) but almost certainly very recently established; I had examined the trees at least annually for the previous six years without finding any of the bug. This species could now be present on almost any large fruiting Lawson cypress in the county. Pasatus lundi (Gmelin) (Lygaeidae). Broom Hill, West Tilbury, TQ6577, 5th September 1991; coll. R G Payne, det. P Kirby. The first recent county record for this species, a very local ground-dwelling bug preferring bare sparsely vegetated areas on bare ground. Raglius alboacuminatus (Goeze) (Lygaeidae). Broom Hill, West Tilbury, TQ6577, 4th May and 26th July 1992; R G Payne. A Nationally Scarce species associated with black horehound Ballota nigra. There are other recent records from post-industrial sites in the metropolitan area, but this is the first record I have of a colony outside London. Trapezonotus dispar Stal (Lygaeidae). Stow Wood, TM18.31, 12th August 1991; coll. R G Payne, det. P Kirby. The first recent county record for this local ground-dwelling bug, usually associated with dry well-drained ground in open areas in woodland.