The Essex Naturalist 37 the BBSUK Herbarium. They are listed in systematic order in accordance with the nomenclature of the Atlas of the Bryophytes of Britain and Ireland (Hill et al. 1991-94). The entries follow the information given in the relevant BBS summer Bulletins (publication year in round brackets) except where additional information is available. In some cases the records are additional to those given in the Flora of Essex (1974). These records confirm earlier gatherings subsequently reported formally at some stage as being extinct. The presence of an (*) in a column indicates that the species has already been recorded from that vice-county at some time during the last 50 years. If the 18 or 19 appears in round brackets the only record is more than 50 years old. Those species annotated by ( + ) have been submitted to the appropriate BBS recorder and been accepted but have yet to appear in the BBS Bulletin. LIVERWORTS * 19 Cephaloziella divaricata - damp hollows in sandy ground, Fingringhoe Wick N.R. KJA 1979 (1983). 18 Barbilophozia attenuata - on broken eastern bank of Loughton Brook, Lower Wake Valley, just upstream of Bellringer's Hollow, Epping Forest. KJA 1979 (1981). 18 Lophozia ventricosa var. ventricosa - Jacks Hill road cutting bank, south side, Epping Forest. TP 1994 (1995). 18 L. perssonii - on chalk ridge under Salix cinerea ssp. oleifolia, Warren Farm Chalk Pit, South Stifford. HLKW. 1979 (1980). 18 Scapania undulata - damp brick-lined drainage gulley at base of N facing church wall, Lambourne churchyard. TP 1994 (1995). * 19 Ptilidium pulcherrimum - on trunk of oak, Hatfield Forest. ECW 1984 (1985). 19 Frullania tamarisci - on fallen Salix caprea, Hatfield Forest. ECW 1984 (1985). 18 * F. dilatata - sloping limestone capping, N side of brick churchyard wall, Eastwood Church. TP 1982 (1984). 18 Pellia neesiana - amongst grass in marshy clearing, Hainault Forest. TP 1988(1989). 18 Metzgeria temperata - on ash, Shales More, Stapleford Tawney. TP 1995 (1996). 19 M. fruticulosa - on old elders with Zygodon conoideus, Hillhouse Wood, West Bergholt. TP 1994 (1995). 18 Sphaerocarpos michelii - exposed clay bank, nr. Barling, John S Skinner 1977(1984). 18 19 Marchantia polymorpha ssp. ruderalis - all Essex Marchantia material formerly recorded as "alpestris" belongs here (see BBS Bulletins July 1995, 1996).