38 The Essex Naturalist * 19 Ricciocarpos natans - floating on a pool, Hatfield Forest (lake delta) Marsh N.R. JLF 1982 (1984). 18 Riccia cavernosa - damp mud of water treatment chemical-waste pool, Hanningfield Reservoir, Stock. JLF 19S2 (1983). 18 R. rhenana - floating in the shallows, the Warren Pond opposite the Queen Elizabeth's hunting Lodge, Epping Forest. KJA 1984 (1985). MOSSES 18 (*) Sphagnum compactum - several small patches, wet peaty area, Sunshine Plain South, Epping Forest, KJA 1988 (1989). 18 * S. capillifolium - extensive patch, centre of Pheasanthouse Wood N.R. main bog. Geoffrey A Pyman and KJA 1981 (1983). * 19 S. capillifolium - two small patches, Lodge Road Bog North, Epping Forest. KJA 1979(1980). * 19 Seligeria paucifolia - delete, the only record = S. calcarea (1993). * 19 Dicranum bonjeanii - marshy ground just outside the Hatfield Forest Marsh N.R. Sarah Lambert 1985 (1986). 19 * D. tauricum (D. strictum) - nr. the Old Stump, Epping Lower Forest. George Peck et al. 1980 (1981). 18 Campylopus pyriformis var. azoricus - abundant on dead Molinia tussocks, boggy area south of Horn Row, Danbury Common. KJA 1981 (1984). * 19 C. introflexus - on fallen hawthorn, Ulting. MFVC 1975 (1976). (This alien introduction is now abundant all over the county.) 18 * Leucobryum juniperoideum - on chestnut stumps, Blakes Wood, Little Baddow. MFVC 1975 (1976). * 19 L. juniperoideum - bases of coppiced oaks, Chest Wood, Layer de la Haye. KJA 1985 (1986). 18 * Fissidens viridulus - trampled ground by track, Little Warley Common. MFVC 1980 (1981). * 19 Tortula ruralis ssp. ruraliformis - grey dune, just N of Crabnowe Spit, Harwich. KJA 1977 (1980). 18 * T. ruralis ssp. ruraliformis - stabilized beach of shelly-sand, south of Sales point, Bradwell. TP 1995 (1996). 18 * T. virescens - tarmac path with T. intermedia, High Ongar churchyard. TP 1990 (1991). 19 T. papillosa - on elder, Garnetts Wood, Great Dunmow. TP 1995 (1996). 19 Pottia starkeana ssp. minutula — hoof holes in shallow ditch beside Stort Navigation, Tednanbury. KJA 1980 (1981). 18 * P. starkeana ssp. conica - fallow field nr. Waltham Abbey. KJA 1967 (1984).