The Essex Naturalist 39 * 19 P. starkeana ssp. conica - on chalky boulder clay, Great Canfield churchyard. TP 1988 (1989). 18 * P. intermedia - clayey soil with Phascum cuspidatum and Bryum rubens, Laindon churchyard. TP 1990 (1991). 18 * P. heimii - bare clay under overhang of seawall, New England Island. J J Heath. 1981 (1983). 18 * Acaulon muticum - bare sandy soil by footpath, gravel pit, Asheldham. TP 1984 (1987). * 19 Hennediella macrophylla (Tortula brevis) - redetermined from specimen lodged as Tortula stanfordensis from Matching. KJA 1968 (1969). (Transactions of the BBS 5: 881, T Blocked 1990, J. Bryol. 16: 187-192.) 18 * H. macrophylla - redetermined from specimen lodged as Hyophila stanfordensis, on loamy stream bank, N edge of New England wood. TP 1984(1987). 19 Barbula nicholsonii - old gravel path with dense moss cover, Great Canfield churchyard. TP 1988 (1989). 18 * Gyroweisia tenuis - damp wall of basement steps, on limestone blocks and on mortar, with Seligeria calcarea. Hutton church. TP 1988 (1989). * 19 Leptobarbula berica - on red brick of drainage gulley at base of church wall and on shady N-facing limestone gravestones nearby. Springfield churchyard. TP 1990 (1991). 18 * L. berica - on N facing brick tomb with Tortula marginata, Mountnessing churchyard. TP 1990 (1991). 18 * Weissia microstoma var. microstoma - scattered patches on clayey ditchbanks nr. Warner's Park, Prittlewell. TP 1988 (1989). 19 Tortella flavovirens var. flavovirens - on sandy soil behind dunes, St Osyth Beach. TP 1987 (1989). 18 * T. umbrosa - on old gravel path nr. base of churchyard wall, East Hanningfield churchyard. TP 1989 (1990). * 19 Trichostomopsis umbrosa - brickwork on N side of small bridge over brook adjoining Paddock Bush wood, St Osyth. KJA 1981 (1983). 19 Cinclidotus fontinaloides - just above water level at base of bridge over Sandford Mill Lock, Chelmer 6k Blackwater Navigation. TP 1989 (1990). 18 Grimmia trichophylla var. trichophylla - on sloping coping tiles of church wall buttress, with Dicranoweisia cirrata, North Fambridge churchyard. TP 1989 (1990). 19 Racomitrium heterostichum s.s. - N-facing, sloping, tiled roof, Bobbingworth church. TP 1991 (1992).