40 The Essex Naturalist 19 R. lanuginosum - one small tuft on top of brick churchyard wall, Gosfield. TP 1989 (1990). (19)R. ericoides - a redetermination of the specimen collected by E Varenne, Tipttee Heath, 1860 (PEM) (1983 & 1984). 18 * Ephemerum serratum var. minutissimum - arable field, Mott Street, Sewardstone. KJA 1968 (1982). 18 * Pohlia lutescens - bank of ditch, Little Warley Common. MFVC 1979 (1980). * 19 P. lutescens - on vertical sides of badger hole, Monks Wood, Woodside Green. HLKW 1975 (1976). 18 * Epipterygium tozeri - under bushes on vertical bank of R Roach, N edge of New England Wood, Rayleigh. HLKW 1984 (1985). 18 * Bryum donianum - railway embankment, Ramsden Park, nr. Wickford. ES 1965(1975). 18 * B. subelegans (B. flaccidum) — hedgerow just east of Shales More, Stapleford Tawney. KJA 1980 (1981). * 19 B. subelegans (B. flaccidum) - on fallen hawthorn between canal and Rivet Chelmer, Ulting Lock. MFVC 1975 (1976). 18 * B. pseudotriquetrum var. pseudotriquetrum - damp chalky soil just above water level, Warren Farm Chalk Pit, South Stifford. TP 1991 (1992). (18) B. alpinum - wet gravel pit, near Kingis Oak, Epping Forest. Edward Forster c.1800. (BM) comm. KJA (1987). 18 19 B. bicolor s.s. - a common plant in Essex. Formally however, either the old vouchers need rechecking or new voucher specimen need submitting to be sure they ate distinct from other forms of the aggregate (see Smith 6k Whitehouse 1981). 18 * B. gemmiferum - roadside verge, on Thanet Sands over Chalk, South Stifford. KJA 1973 (see Smith & Whitehouse 1981). * 19 B. gemmiferum - chalk pit, Newport. HLKW 1967 (see Smith & Whitehouse 1978). * 19 B. violaceum - cornfield near Little Bentley, MOH 1969 (1981). * 19 Plagiomnium affine - hedgebank by field, nr. Sparkey Wood, Wickham Bishops. KJA 1968 (1981). 18 * Zygodon viridissimus var. stirtonii - raintrack overflow from root-butttess hollow, on large old beech, centre of Little Monk Wood, Epping Forest. KJA 1986 (1989). 19 Z. conoideus - on several old elders at eastern end of Hillhouse Wood, West Bergholt. TP 1994 (1995). 18 Z. forsteri - raintrack cleft in small old beech, Goldings Hill, Epping Forest. KJA 1978(1980).