The Essex Naturalist 41 (*) 19 Orthotrichum striatum - on fallen Salix fragilis, marshy floodplain of R. Chelmer, west of Little Waltham Mill. TP 1995 (1996). 18 * O. lyelii - horizontal branch of Salix fragilis, hy pond, Shotgate Thickets N.R., Wickford. TP 1993 (1994). 18 * O. cupulatum var. cupulatum - on wooden footbridge over River Wid, Clatterford Wash, Blackmore. TP 1991 (1992). 19 O. cupulatum var. riparium - near water level, walls of Parndon Mill Lock, Little Parndon. TP 1989 (1991). 19 O. stramineum - on fallen Salix fragilis with Orthotrichum striatum, marshy floodplain of River Chelmer, west of Little Waltham Mill. TP 1995 (1996). 18 * O. tenellum - on maple, southern end of Shales More, Stapleford Tawney. TP 1995 (1996). * 19 O. tenellum - on low horizontal branch of sallow, Thorley Flood Pound, by River Stort, Little Hallingbury. TP 1994 (1995). 18 * (3. pulchellum - on an ash and a maple, Shales More, Stapleford Tawney. TP 1995 (1996). * 19 O. pulchellum - on old elder in shady deciduous woodland, Gravel Pits Wood, Copford. W Chisholm & B Haslam. 1990 (1991). (*) 19 Ulota crispa s.s. - scattered tufts on branches of Salix spp., old gravel pits, Liston. TP 1990 (1991). 18 * U. phyllantha - large patch on ash, small patch on maple, Shales More, Stapleford Tawney. TP 1995 (1996). * 19 U. phyllantha - on horizontal branch of Salix cinerea with Dicroweisia cirrata, small copse by River Can, Good Easter. TP 1990 (1991). 19 Hedwigia ciliata - on large Salix fragilis by pond, Springfield Hall Park, Chelmsford. TP 1995 (+). * 19 Climacium dendroides - wet hollow in grassland, derelict site, flood plain of Cobbins Brook, Waltham Holy-Cross. Marcus Grace. 1980. Comm. KJA (1981). 18 * C. dendroides - with Juncus inflexus, damp hollow in area of dumped calcareous waste, old water works site. Springfield. TP 1994 (1995). 18 * C. heteromalla - on elder, small copse, Shonks Mill Road, Stanford Rivers. TP 1995 (1996). (18) Campylium polygamum - bog in Little Monk Wood, Epping Forest. Percy Thompson. 1912 PEM comm. KJA (1981). * 19 C. calcareum - on decaying tree root in bank, Chalkney Wood, Earls Colne. MOH 1988 (1989). 18 * Amblystegium humile (A. kochii) - walls of weir by old mill pond, site of old waterworks. Chelmer & Blackwater Navigation, Springfield. TP 1994(1995).