42 The Essex Naturalist * 19 Drepanoclados fluitans var. falcatus - c.fr. wet floor of old gravel quarry, just S of Ballards Quay Farm. KJA 1981 (1983). * 19 D. exannulatus var. exannulatus — margin of pond, Wintry Wood. Epping Lower Forest. KJA 1967 (1981). 18 * Hygrohypnum luridum var. luridum — on flat limestone gravestone, Chipping Ongar churchyard. TP 1990 (1991). 18 * Scleropodium cespitans - tarmac path with Bryum capillare, Theydon Garnon churchyard. TP 1991 (1992). 19 Rhynchostegiella tenella var. litorea - on ash and maple, roadside hedgerow, Aythorpe Roding. KJA 1969 (1975). 19 R. curviseta - brick gulley beside Alphamstone church. TP 1996 ( + ). 19 Entodon concinnus - amongst limestone chippings over gravestone, Coggeshall churchyard. TP 1993 (1994). 19 Plagiothecium laetum - on coppice stool, Chalkney Wood, Earls Colne. MOH 1988 (1989). 19 Platygyrium repens - on vertical and horizontal poles of old coppiced ash, marshy area on southern edge of Hillhouse Wood, West Bergholt. TP 1994(1995). 18 * Hypnum mammillatum - base of old reclining oak by small pool, Epping Lower Forest south of the Ongar Road. Epping Forest. KJA 1981 (1983). * 19 H. mammillatum - on old ash by stream, Fingringhoe Wick N.R.. KJA 1981 (1983). * 19 H. jutlandicum (as Hypnum cupressiforme var. ericetorum) - ditchbanks, Woodside, Epping Lower Forest. KJA 1978 (1981). (*) 19 Hylocomium splendens - on gravelly soil and banks, old gravel pits, Liston. TP 1990 (1992). Recorders: Kenneth J Adams (KJA), Martin F V Corley (MFVC), John L Fielding (JLF), Mark O Hill (MOH), Tim Pyner (TP), Eric Saunders (ES), Edward C Wallace (ECW) and Harold L K Whitehouse (HLKW). References Adams, K J, 1974. Bryophytes: in Jermyn S T Flora of Essex. Essex Naturalists' Trust Ltd. Adams, K J & Preston, C D, 1992. Evidence for the Effect of Atmospheric Pollution on Bryophytes from National and Local Recording. In Harding, P T Biological Recording of British Wildlife pp 31-43 Institute of Terrestrial Ecology Symposium No: 26. NERC Blocked, T H, 1990. The genus Hennediella Par.: a note on the affinities of Tortula brevis Whitehouse & Newton and T. stanfordensis Steere. Journal of Bryology 16: 187-192. Hill, M O, Preston, C D & Smith, A J E, 1991, 1992, 1994. Atlas of the Bryophytes of Britain and Ireland Vol: 1, 2, & 3. Harley Books. Long, D G, 1995. Marchantia polymorpha in Britain and Ireland. Bulletin of the British Bryological Society 66: 29-37. Pettifer, A J, 1968. A Bryophyte Flora of Essex. Essex Nauralist 32: 83-141. Smith, A J E & Whitehouse, H LK, 1978. An account of the British species of the Bryum bicolor complex including B. dunense sp. nov. Journal of Bryology 10: 28-47.