44 The Essex Naturalist Introduction For the purpose of this provisional list, we regard the period from 1990 to 1995 inclusive as the "present" period. For records made prior to the year 1990, the date of capture is generally indicated. Although some records made from 1990 onwards are dated in the text it may be taken that all undated records listed here were made in the period 1990 to 1995. We have credited collectors of specimens and authors of published records throughout. We have, however, omitted our own names for reasons of space and readability; where a record is not attributed to a particular person it should be assumed that one or both of the present authors was the recorder. For all our own records a voucher specimen is available for inspection by bona fide researchers. Whilst vouchers are also available for much of the recent material reported to us by other parties, we have not in all cases examined this ourselves. For the literature records, however, voucher specimens probably do not exist (we have not yet enquired) and, consequently, we are unable to verify published records. However, this having been made clear, we have no particular doubt about the validity of the records which we include in this provisional county list. Map 1. Relative numbers of recorded species of aceulate Hymenoptera in Essex hy ten- kilometre square. The darker the square, the greater the number of species recorded.