The Essex Naturalist 49 M. ruginodis Nylander Very widespread and common in a variety of habitats. It is usually this Myrmica species that is found near woods, in scrubland and in woodland rides. There are recent records for at least 150 localities in the county. M. sabuleti Meinert Widespread but local apparently associated with sparsely vegetated grassland and habitats where there is bare ground exposed such as old quarries, sand pits and landslips. There are recent records from 38 widely distributed localities in the county. M. scabrinodis Nylander Much the commonest Myrmica ant in grassland habitats with recent records from over 100 widely distributed localities. M. schencki Emery - Notable B Listed for S Essex in Falk (1991). This species has been found to be much more widespread in the county than expected, but it has usually only found in small numbers and most records have been made using pitfall traps. There are recent records from sixteen localities in South Essex and two localities in North Essex. Most localities have been near the coast but also from Pole Hill Meadow (coll. by P R Mabbott in 1994 &. 1995) and Wanstead Park, both in Epping Forest and Glemsford Pits in North Essex. M. specioides Bondroit - RDB3 Listed only for East Kent in Falk (1991). This ant was first collected in Essex in 1988 at Shoebury Old Ranges but remained identified only as "Myrmica sp."