58 The Essex Naturalist A. (Ammosphex) anceps (Wesmael) A species of sandy soils. The prey spiders seem to involve a wide range of families. Recorded from twelve separate sites since 1989 this is evidently one of our commoner species - either that or else it is more easily encountered. We have Bushy Hill, Colne Point, Crabknowe Spit, Dovercourt, Glemsford Pits, Great Dunmow, Heydon, Mucking Heath, Gibbs Pit at Grays, Mill Wood Pit, at Grays, Purfleet and Dagenham Chase. A. (Ammosphex) consobrina (Dahlbom) - RDB 3 Listed for North Essex by Falk (1991) without details. A. minutula (Dahlbom) - Notable B Recorded only as a single male at Ferry Fields, Tilbury, in 1995 by Peter Hodge. A. (Ammosphex) trivialis (Dahlbom) Found typically on open sand areas, especially coastal dunes but also in sand pits and on heathlands. It preys on Xysticus (Thomisidae) but probably also on lycosids. Our only Essex record is from Mill Wood Pit in 1995. A. (Ammosphex) wesmaeli (Thomson) - Notable A Typically found on coastal dunes and inland sandy heaths. Prey records from Europe include Lycosidae, Gnaphosidae and Salticidae but there seems to be no available British data. Listed for the Colchester area by Harwood (1884) without further detail. Listed for North Essex by Falk (1991) without details. We have no other confirmed Essex records.