78 The Essex Naturalist (Hanson 1992). For 1984 we have records from Dagenham Chase and Aveley;. More recently, we have post-1989 records from Fingringhoe Wick, Wormingford Mere, Dolphin Quarry, Mill Wood Pit, Ferry Fields and Mucking Heath. P. insignis (Van der Linden) Nests are built in cut stems or in dead wood. The adults prey on aphids. One male taken at Sandy Wood, Terling on 19th June 1993 is our only record for the county. P. singularis Dahlbom Nests in cut stems of plants. The adult stocks the nest chambers with aphids. Fingringhoe Wick, Howlands Marsh, Dolphin Quarry, Dagenham Chase, Wanstead Flats (M Hanson), Ferry Fields and Fobbing Marshes are our available records. [P. turionum Dahlbom Recently "split" from P. gracilis, little is as yet known of the biology of this species. The only Essex record available is that listed by Hanson (1992) for Wanstead Flats between 1976 and 1990. Mike Edwards, who identified the specimen, has suggested that the specimen be re-examined to confirm this diagnosis and so for the moment this species is listed within square brackets.] SUBFAMILY SPHECINAE Ammophila sabulosa (L.) Builds numerous single-celled burrows in sandy soil, provisioning the larva with Lepidoptera larvae, more rarely sawfly larvae. The adults resemble the next species. Prey is caught after the burrow is made. Listed for the Colchester area by Harwood (1884) without further detail. Recorded at Fingringhoe Wick in 1963 (Stebbing 1965). We have recorded this distinctive wasp recently from Fingringhoe Wick, Colne Point, Chigborough Lakes, Bradwell-on-Sea, Dolphin Quarry, Mill Wood Pit, Grays Chalk Quarry, Broom Hill (West Tilbury), Fobbing Hill, Aveley and, surprisingly, the Limmo Peninsula in the River Lea at Canning Town. Podalonia affinis (Kirby) - RDB 3 Builds single-celled burrows in sandy soil, provisioning the larva with Lepidoptera larvae. Prey is caught before the burrow is made. Adult resembles Ammophila sabulosa. Listed for "coast sands" in the Colchester area by Harwood (1884)- Listed for both North and South Essex by Falk (1991). Our recent records are all from Colne Point where it was abundant in pitfall traps set for spiders during 1990.