86 The Essex Naturalist probably common in the county, with recent records from 27 localities in 22 widely spread 10km squares. H. (Prosopis) brevicornis Nylander Recorded for the Colchester neighbourhood by Harwood (1884). Much less common than H. communis and H. annularis there are recent records for Rushey Mead (coll. C Watson) in North Essex and Dolphin Quarry, Mill Wood Pit and Ferry Fields (Tilbury) in Thurrock, South Essex. Hanson (1992) lists Woodford Golf Course. H. (Prosopis) confusus Nylander Noted from the Colchester district by Harwood (1884) and Nicholson (1928). There are recent records from Ferry Fields, Tilbury and Fobbing Marshes in South Essex and Horsey Island and Howlands Marsh in North Essex. [H. (Prosopis) gibbus Saunders - RDB3 A record for Essex (Nicholson 1928) is noted as requiring confirmation in Falk (1991).] H. (Prosopis) pectoralis Forster Recorded hy G Else and M Edwards from Rowhedge in 1986. The only other record is from Horsey Island in 1995, both in North Essex. H. (Prosopis) signatus (Panzer) - Notable B Recorded for the Colchester neighbourhood by Harwood (1884). There are recent records are tor Fingringhoe Wick (M Edwards, 1986), Rowhedge (K Guichard, 1986) and Elsenham Sand Pit in North Essex. In South Essex the species is recorded for seven localities all in the East Thames Corridor (Eastbrookend, Mill Wood Pit, Little Thurrock Marshes, Mucking Heath (Orsett Golf Course), Broom Hill (West Tilbury), Linford Sand Pit and East Tilbury). H. (Paraprosopis) pictipes Nylander - Notable A Recorded by Harwood (1884) as a very local species occurring in his garden in the Colchester neighbourhood where its habit is to burrow into old posts and noted by Nicholson (1928) from Billericay and the Colchester district. There are no recent records. H. (Spatulariella) hyalinatus Smith Recorded for the Colchester neighbourhood by Harwood (1884) and noted by Nicholson (1928) from Billericay and the Colchester district. Probably widely distributed in the county with recent records from Rowhedge, North Essex (G Else and M Edwards), and nine localities in South Essex. H. (Lamdopsis) annularis (Kirby) There are recent records from Little Canfield (C Watson), Elsenham Sand Pit and Whetmead N.R. in North Essex and from Bushy Hill South Woodham Ferrers and the East Thames Corridor in South Essex (Eastbrookend, Dolphin