88 The Essex Naturalist A. (Andrena) helvola (L.) Recorded by Harwood (1884) without detail and noted by Nicholson (1928) from Billericay and the Colchester district, partial to flowers of Euphorbia. There are recent records from Garnetts Wood, Great Howe Wood and Strethall Wood in North Essex and Linford Wood, Mill Wood Pit Thurrock, Thorndon Park South, Watts Wood and Yardley Hill in South Essex. A. (Andrena) praecox (Scopoli) Harwood (1884) records this species at sallow blossoms, Nayland etc. Nicholson gives it as locally abundant, Billericay, Colchester district, Epping Forest. The bee is an early spring species which is still to be found in suitable localities, especially old sand pits where there is a good quantity of sallow. We have recent records from ten widely spread localities in the county. A. (Andrena) synadelpha Perkins Nicholson (1928) lists the species from the Colchester district. There are recent records from eight localities, all in the East Thames Corridor. A. (Andrena) varians (Rossius) - Notable B Recorded by Harwood (1884) without detail and noted by Nicholson from Billericay and the Colchester district. There are recent records from only four localities, Mill Wood Pit and Mucking Heath (Orsett Golf Course) in Thurrock, Thorndon Park South and Wormingford Mere. A. (Hoplandrena) bucephala Stephens - Notable A Nesting occurs communally, a single nest entrance is used by many females to gain access to their nests. It is not listed for Essex by Falk (1991) but Hanson (1992) gives a record for Hill Wood in the Epping Forest area in the period 1976-1990. [A. (Hoplandrena) rosae Panzer - RDB3 Recorded by Harwood (1884) as rare, Stanway. Nicholson (1928) adds Billericay but Falk (1991) states that these records require confirmation. There are no recent records.] A. (Hoplandrena) scotica Perkins = jacobi Perkins Recorded by Harwood (1884) and noted by Nicholson (1928) as common and generally distributed. Today this is still a common and numerous species in a variety of habitats. We have recent records from 34 localities across the county. A. (Hoplandrena) trimmerana (Kirby) - Notable B = spinigera (Kirby) Recorded by Harwood (1884) from the Colchester district. Nicholson (1928) notes the species as local, first brood on sallow, blackthorn and fruit trees, second brood on bramble and white-flowered Umbelliferae and adds Billericay. There are recent records from eight localities along the East Thames Corridor