The Essex Naturalist 89 from Mill Wood Pit to Belton Hills with further records on or near the coast at Shoebury Old Ranges, The Cliff (Burnham-on-Crouch), Thrift Wood Pits Maldon, West Mersea, Walton Naze undercliffs and Horsey Island. A. (Euandrena) bicolor Fabricius = gwynana (Kirby) Recorded by Harwood (1884) and noted by Nicholson (1928) as generally distributed and common. Today still widely distributed and probably common throughout the county with recent records from at least 37 localities across the county. A very small and odd male (det. G Else) has been collected by C Watson at Little Hallingbury tip. A. (Ptilandrena) angustior (Kirby) Noted by Nicholson (1928) from Billericay and the Colchester district, very fond of bluebells. There are no recent records. A. (Melandrena) cineraria (L.) Noted by Nicholson (1928) as locally common, forms colonies in short grassy turf. He lists "Billericay (rather scarce), Loughton, Woodford, etc." We know of no recent records for the county. A. (Melandrena) nigroaenea (Kirby) Recorded by Harwood (1884) as common inland, swarming on the coast. Nicholson (1928) notes the species as generally distributed, a situation still true today. There ate recent records from 26 localities spread across the county. A. (Melandrena) pubescens Olivier = nitida (Geoffrey in Fourcroy) preocc. Nicholson (1928) notes the species as generally distributed, fond of Pyracantha