92 The Essex Naturalist burrow in trodden pathways. Also noted by Nicholson (1928) (as A. sericea) for Billericay and the Colchester district on sand hills, gravel paths, etc., local. The only recent records are for Leyton Flats (Hanson 1992) and Elsenham Sand Pit. However the bee is the host of the cuckoo bee Sphecodes pellucidus which has been recorded from several other localities and it seems likely that it is under- recorded. A. (Notandrena) chrysosceles (Kirby) Noted by Nicholson (1928) from Billericay and the Colchester district. Almost certainly widely distributed and common with recent records from 31 localities across the county. A. (Chrysandrena) fulvago (Christ) - Notable A Noted by Nicholson (1928) from Billericay and the Colchester district, on hawkweeds on sandy soils. The bee has undergone a substantial decline this century especially inland (Falk 1991). It is probably dependent on unimproved flower-rich grasslands and short-cropped or sparsely-vegetated areas and it still occurs in such situations at Broom Hill (West Tilbury), Mucking Heath (Orsett Golf Course) and Mill Wood Pit, three sites in Thurrock. These are the only recent records. A. (Chlorandrena) humilis Imhoff - Notable B Noted by Nicholson (1928) on hawkweeds, from Billericay and the Colchester district in hard pathways. There are recent records only from unimproved grassland at Broom Hill (West Tilbury) and east of Mill Lane in the Mill Wood Pit area, both in Thurrock. A. (Charitandrena) hattorfiana (Fabricius) - RDB3 There is a close, and possibly obligate, association with Field Scabious Knautia arvensis. It is a large and unmistakable bee which has declined substantially this century with only about 15 post-1970 sites in southern England (Falk 1991). Two specimens are recorded by W H Harwood (1884), while further specimens including the red variety of the female and several males of its cleptoparasite Nomada armata are recorded by B S Harwood (1902a, b). It is noted by Nicholson (1928) from Alresford, Donyland and Lexden. Today intensive agriculture and the improvement of grasslands have greatly reduced the occurrence of Field Scabious in the county and the plant usually only occurs in small quantity. In July 1992 a small population of the bee was found foraging at Field Scabious along a short section of old disused railway track at Glemsford Pits in North Essex (Harvey 1992). The bee was still present in 1994 but in 1995 only two individuals were seen and the population is clearly very vulnerable. A. (Poecilandrena) labiata Fabricius - Notable A = cingidata (Fabricius) preocc. Recorded by Harwood (1884) from Nayland and noted by Nicholson (1928) from "Billericay, Hale End, etc." The extremely rare cleptoparasite of this bee,