The Essex Naturalist 97 L. (Evylaeus) parvulum (Schenck) There are recent records from 12 localities across the county and the species is probably widespread but under-recorded. L. (Evylaeus) pauperatum (Brulle) - RDB3 Nicholson (1928) notes the species for the Colchester district hut there has heen confusion over the identification of this species in the past and Falk (1991) does not list Essex. Falk states the species is rare and extremely localised in Britain with post-1970 records for only eight sites. However we have confirmed recent records from five sites in the East Thames Corridor in Essex at Broom Hill (West Tilbury), Dolphin Pit, East Tilbury silt lagoons, Grays Chalk Quarry and at Rainham. L. (Evylaeus) pauxillum (Schenck) - Notable A Recorded by M Edwards from Fingringhoe Wick in 1986 and listed by Hanson (1992) from Lords Bushes in Epping Forest. Otherwise there are recent records only from a small area of flower-rich grassland on a south facing bank to the east of Mill Wood Pit in Thurrock. L. (Evylaeus) punctatissimum (Schenck) Recorded for the Colchester district by Harwood (1884) without further detail. Nicholson (1928) notes the species again from the Colchester district, common. However there are recent records from only nine localities, Wanstead Flats (Hanson 1992), Galleywood Common, The Cliff (Burnham-on-Crouch), Tiptree Heath and then Broom Hill, Dolphin Pit, Linford Sand Pit, Mill Wood Pit, Mucking Heath (Orsett Golf Course) all in Thurrock. L. (Evylaeus) puncticolle (Morawitz) - Notable B Listed for Essex in Falk (1991) without further details. There are recent records from 11 localities on or near the coast in South and North Essex. In Essex it seems to be typically found in coastal grazing marsh and adjacent sea wall habitat. L. (Evylaeus) villosulum (Kirby) Recorded from the Colchester district by Harwood (1884) without further detail. Nicholson (1928) gives the species as generally distributed, a situation still true today. There are recent records from 32 localities distributed across the county. L. (Dialictus) leucopum (Kirby) Noted by Nicholson (1928) as common, Colchester district. There are recent records for nine widely distributed localities but it is probably more common than this suggests. L. (Dialictus) morio (Fabricius) Recorded from the Colchester district by Harwood (1884) without further detail. Nicholson (1928) gives the species as common in gardens, Billericay,