98 The Essex Naturalist Hale End, etc. It still appears to be quite common and widely distributed with recent records from 29 localities across the county. L. (Dialictus) smeathmanellum (Kirby) Recorded from the Colchester district by Harwood (1884) without further detail. Nicholson (1928) also gives the Colchester district and notes the species as common, a situation probably still true today. There are recent records from eleven localities but the bee is almost certainly very under-recorded and to be found for example associated with houses and walls in gardens. Genus Sphecodes. cuckoo bees. Sphecodes are cleptoparasites, mainly on species of Halictus and Lasioglossum but also some Andrena. Of the 16 species occurring in the British Isles, 14 have now been recorded for Essex and we have recent records for 12 of these. Sphecodes crassus Thomson - Notable B A cleptoparasite of mining bees of the genus Lasioglossum, associated with L. nitidiusculum, L. parvulum, L. pauxillum and L. fulvicorne. There are recent records from seven localities in the East Thames Corridor at Broom Hill (West Tilbury), Dolphin Pit, Fobbing Marshes, Mill Wood Pit, Mucking Heath (Orsett Golf Course), Thorndon Park South and Thundersley Great Common. Hanson (1992) notes the species from Wanstead Flats. S. ephippius (L.) = divisus (Kirby) Recorded from the Colchester district by Harwood (1884). There are recent records from 27 widely distributed localities and the species is by far the commonest Sphecodes in the county. S. ferruginatus von Hagens - Notable B Noted by Nicholson (1928) as having been taken in the Colchester district, on Lasioglossum fulvicorne. There are no recent records. S. fasciatus von Hagens = affinis von Hagens = geoffrellus Kirby Nicholson (1928) notes the species from the Colchester district. There are recent records from 13 widely distributed localities. S. gibbus (L.) Recorded by Harwood (1884) from the Colchester district. Nicholson (1928) states that this is the commonest species and gives "High Beach, Hale End, etc.". There are recent records from only six localities; Broom Hill (West Tilbury), East Tilbury and Mill Wood Pit in Thurrock, by the River Chelmer near Maldon, Walton Naze and Wanstead Flats (Hanson 1992). S. hyalinatus von Hagens Noted by Nicholson (1928) from the Colchester district. There are recent