106 The Essex Naturalist [Nomada argentata Herrich-Schaeffer - RDB3 Nicholson (1928) notes one from the Alresford Grange Estate (attributed to B S Harwood). Falk (1991) gives this as an unconfirmed record. The bee is a cleptoparasite of the mining bee Andrena marginata which has a close and possibly obligate association with scabious flowers. All three scabious species are today scarce or rare in the county.] N. armata Herrich-Schaeffer - RDB1 B. S. Harwood (1902a) records the capture of five or six examples of the species near Colchester together with both sexes of its host the mining bee Andrena hattorfiana. This is noted again as several males in B. S. Harwood (1902b). Nicholson (1928) notes the species as local, Colchester district. There are no recent records and the RDB3 host survives in the county only in one small vulnerable population near Glemsford Pits. [N. baccata Smith, F. - Notable A = alboguttata misident. Nicholson notes the species (on Andrena argentata), rare, Billericay. The scarce host Andrena argentata is not recorded for Essex and has its strongholds in the heaths of the New Forest, N. Hampshire, Surrey, W. Sussex and Dorset. Falk (1991) states that the record for S. Essex given by Nicholson requires confirmation.] N. fabriciana (L.) Recorded for the Colchester district by Harwood (1884). Nicholson (1928) gives Billericay, Chingford, Colchester district and Woodford. We have recent records for 14 localities distributed across the county. N. flava Panzer