108 The Essex Naturalist N. goodeniana (Kirby) = alternata (Kirby) = succincta misident. Recorded for the Colchester district by Harwood (1884) and noted as common (on Andrena nigroaenea) by Nicholson (1928) who lists "Billericay, etc.". Today it seems to be a widespread and common species, with records from 20 widely distributed localities in the county. N. guttulata Schenck - RDB1 A cleptoparasite of the scarce mining bee Andrena labiata. Falk (1991) notes that the species has always been a great rarity and considerably scarcer than its host. The only record for the county seems to be a single male captured by A. Beaumont at Gosfield in 1903 (Beaumont 1903) and noted again by Nicholson (1928). N. leucophthalma (Kirby) = borealis Zetterstedt Recorded from the Colchester district by Harwood (1884) rare, about burrows of Andrena clarkella and noted again by Nicholson (1928). There are no recent records although the host is still fairly numerous in several localities and probably under-recorded. N. marshamella (Kirby) = alternata misident. A cleptoparasite of the mining bees Andrena scotica and A. trimmerana. Recorded for the Colchester district by Harwood (1884). Nicholson (1928) lists Billericay, Colchester district, Loughton, Hale End, Woodford. It appears to be a widespread and probably quite common Nomada with recent records from 14 localities across the county. N. obtusifrons Nylander Harwood (1902b) records the species (on mustard flowers) in the Colchester district in 1902 and it is noted again by Nicholson (1928). There are no recent records. N. panzeri Lepeletier = ruficornis misident. Recorded from the Colchester district by Harwood (1884) and noted by Nicholson (1928) as common, listing Billericay, Colchester district, Hale End, Woodford. We have recent records from five localities, Broom Hill (West Tilbury), Mill Wood Pit, Mucking Heath (Orsett Golf Course) and The Cliff (Burnham-on-Crouch) in South Essex and Broaks Wood in North Essex. It seems likely that the species is under-recorded and will be found to occur elsewhere in the county. N. pleurosticta Herrich-Schaeffer - Notable A = germanica misident. A cleptoparasite of the mining bee Andrena humilis. Nicholson (1928) notes the