The Essex Naturalist 109 species from Billericay and the Colchester district. There are recent records from only one locality, at Mill Wood Pit, where both the Nomada and host has been sparingly recorded. N. ruficornis (L.) = bifida Thomson Nicholson (1928) notes the species for the Colchester district and Billericay. There are recent records for 13 widely distributed localities in the county and it is probably under-recorded. N. rufipes Fabricius = solidaginis misident. Recorded for the Colchester district by Harwood (1884) and noted again by Nicholson (1928). A cleptoparasite of Andrena fuscipes and A. denticulata. There are recent records only for Broom Hill (West Tilbury) and Mill Wood Pit, both in Thurrock. A. fuscipes, a heathland species, would not occur in these sites and A. denticulata has not been recorded. N. sexfasciata Panzer - RDB1 Nicholson (1928) notes the species from Colchester district (rare), Southend, Walton-on-Naze. A cleptoparasite of Eucera species, it is currently known from a single site in Britain on the S. Devon coast (Falk 1991). N. sheppardana (Kirby) = furva misident. Recorded for the Colchester district by Harwood (1884) and Nicholson (1928) adds Billericay. There is a single recent record from Mill Wood Pit in Thurrock. N. signata Jurine - RDB2 Falk (1991) lists S. and N. Essex without further details. The species has declined greatly and Falk gives post-1970 records for only three sites in Britain. The species is a cleptoparasite of the widespread mining bee Andrena fulva. N. striata Fabricius = hillana (Kirby) Nicholson (1928) notes the species from Billericay and the Colchester district. A cleptoparasite of the mining bee Andrena wilkella, we have recent records for only three localities at Fingringhoe Wick in 1986 (M Edwards), Mill Wood Pit and Wormingford Mere. SUBFAMILY EPEOLINAE Epeolus are cleptoparasites of mining bees in the genus Colletes. There are two species in Britain, both of which are found in Essex. A number of races have been described attributed to different Colletes species.