The Essex Naturalist 115 Else, G., & Felton, J. C, 1994. Mimumesa unicolor (Vander Linden, 1829) (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae), a wasp new to the British list, with observations on related species. Entomologist's Gazette 45: 107-114. Falk, S., 1991. A review of the scarce and threatened bees, wasps and ants of Great Britain. Research and Survey in Nature Conservation number 35: Nature Conservancy Council. French, R. A., 1954. Insect migration records, 1953. Entomologist 87: 57-63. Hanson, M. W., 1992. Bees Wasps and Ants, in Epping Forest through the eye of the naturalist. Essex Naturalist. 11 (new series): 126-131. Harvey, P. R., 1992. A rare bee in North Essex. Essex Field Club Newsletter 4: 3. - , 1993a. Ants in Essex. Essex Field Club Newsletter 5: 6-8. - , 1993b. Two new bees for Essex. Essex Field Club Newsletter 7: 3. - , 1993c. A new chrysid wasp for Essex. Essex Field Club Newsletter 8: 5 - , 1993d. The Blue Carpenter bee in South Essex. Essex Field Club Newsletter 8: 6 - , 1994a. A report on Mill Wood (Gibbs) Pit (Thurrock) and some remarkable new records. Essex Field Club Newsletter 11: 2-6. - , 1994b. Two interesting wasp records in one go! Essex Field Club Newsletter 11:2. - , 1994c. A report on Ferry Fields, Tilbury. Essex Field Club Newsletter 12: 2-3. - , 1995a. The importance of the East Thames Cotridor. Essex Field Club Newsletter 13: 15. - , 1995b. Interesting records from Eastbrookend, Dagenham Chase. Essex Field Club Newsletter 13: 16-17. - , 1995c. An important, but threatened, site in Thurrock, South Essex. BWARS Newsletter Spring 1995: 8-9. Harwood, B. S., 1902. Aculeates at Colchester in 1902. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 38: 266-267. Harwood, 1903. Insecta. In Victoria County History of Essex. 1. London. Harwood, W. H., 1884. The Aculeata Hymenoptera of the neighbourhood of Colchester. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 20: 211-213. Leutschet, A., 1974. Epping Forest, its history and wildlife. David & Charles (Holdings) Ltd. Newton Abbot. Lomholdt, O., 1975-76. The Sphecidae (Hymenoptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica 4: 1 -454. Main, H., 1927. Notes on Methoca ichneumonoides (Latr.). Essex Naturalist 22 (1): 1-5. - , 1931. Further notes on Methoca ichneumonoides (Latr.). Essex Naturalist 23 (2): 63-67 (plus one plate). Morgan, D., 1984. Cuckoo-wasps (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae) Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 6 (part 5). Royal Entomological Society. Nicholson, G, 1928. Notes on the solitary bees and wasps of Essex. Essex Naturalist 22 (2): 81-95. Payne, R., 1992. Social wasps in Essex. Essex Field Club Newsletter 4: 4-8. - , 1995. The rediscovery of a rare ant in Essex. Essex Field Club Newsletter 14: 4-5. Rackham, O., 1986. The ancient woodland of England: the woods of south-east Essex. Rochford District Council. Rochford. Richards, O. W., 1937. A Study of the British Species of Epeolus Latt. and their races, with a key to the species of Colletes (Hymen., Apidae). Transactions of the Society for British Entomology 4 (2): 89-130. - , 1980. Scolioidea, Vespoidea and Sphecoidea. Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects. Royal Entomological Society. Saunders, 1896. Hymenoptera Aculeata of the British Isles. London. Stebbing, P. D., 1965. Hymenoptera at Fingringhoe Wick. Essex Naturalist 31 (4): 264-267. Vere, D. W., 1947. The Hornets of Epping Forest. The London Naturalist 26: 99-109. Yarrow, I. H. H., 1954. Colletes halophila Verhoeff (= C. succincta halophila Verghoeff), a bee hitherto unrecognised in Great Britain. Journal of the Society for British Entomology 5: 39-41.