118 The Essex Naturalist R. britannicus Rogers - Found in the Lower Forest TL4703, Rushey Plain, TQ4198, The Warren, TQ4195 and Powell's Forest, TQ4094. Regarded until recently as a south-east British endemic but now known from Belgium. R. cardiophyllus Lef. & Muell. - Scattered through the forest and locally frequent. Widespread on low ground in England, Wales and north-west Europe. R. cissburiensis W.C. Barton & Riddelsd. - Scattered through the forest in small quantity. Regional endemic to southern England. "Locally very common, especially near London." (Edees & Newton 1988). R. criniger (E.F. Linton) Rogers - Powell's Forest, TQ4194. Widespread endemic. R. dasyphyllus (Rogers) - E. S. Marshall. Recorded from nine sites, but strangely scarce for this widespread and abundant woodland blackberry which also occurs in Europe. R. echinatus Lindley - Frequent at The Warren and in Powell's Forest, TQ4094, 4095 & 4195. Widespread in southern England and the Midlands and west central Europe. R. elegantispinosus (Schumach) Weber - One clump under trees on the east side of the Furze Ground, TQ4398. Probably introduced into cultivation in Britain and escaping, though it might equally well have been introduced by birds. Found in north-west Europe. R. euryanthemus W.C.R. Wats. - Dominant through the main part of the forest and the most abundant species. Apparently not recorded in the Lower Forest. Scattered north to the Mersey and widespread in north-west Europe. R. erythrops Edees & Newton - One colony near High Beach, TQ4097. Endemic in south-east England. R. flexuosus Muell. & Lef. - Hill Wood, one clump at TQ4097. Widespread south of the Humber and in Europe. R. fuscus Weihe in Bluff & Fingerh. - Abundant in the northern part of the main forest with single bushes in the Lower Forest and on Strawberry Hill. Uncommon and scattered in Britain, though widespread in north-west Europe. R. halsteadensis W.C.R. Wats. - Big View, TQ4199 - one colony. A Newton (pers. comm.), says that this agrees with Watson's findings from Halstead, West Kent but may not agree with his Holotype which came from Trelleck, Monmouthshire. M Porter (pers. comm.) is currently growing plants from four different populations to compare them under controlled conditions. Very rare. R. insectifolius Lef. & Meull. - Dominant in the Lower Forest, TL4703; scattered elsewhere. Widespread in southern Britain and western Europe. R. laciniatus Willd. - One bush in deep shade in Kate's Cellar, TQ4197. A frequent escape from cultivation, not known in the wild.