The Essex Naturalist 119 R. leucostachys Schleicher ex Sm. - One bush on Thornwood Common, TL4704. One or two bushes at Broadstrood, TQ4399. A regional endemic in south-east England with few sites north of the Thames. R. lindleianus Lees - Frequent in five sites in the forest. Widespread in Britain and north-west Europe. R. lintonii Focke - New to Essex, from the Rushey Plain/Claypit Hill area in TQ4198. A widely scattered endemic recorded from Norfolk, Hertfordshire, Oxfordshire and Staffordshire in fewer than ten 10km squares. R. milesii A. Newton - Co-dominant through most of the forest. A widespread endemic in southern England. R. newbridgensis W.C. Barton & Riddelsd. - One clump at the east end of the "Woodyard" car park area, TL4703, in the Lower Forest. A. Newton has collected it in the past from west of the Wake Arms. A scarce regional endemic, in south-east England. R. pannosus P. J. Muell. & Wirtg. - The plant included in Watson (1958) as R. gravetii (Boul. ex Sundre) W.C.R. Wats. and subsequently excluded from Edees 6k Newton (1988) has been determined by H E Weber and G Maztke- Hajek as R. pannosus, a plant of the Eifel district of south-west Germany. It is co-dominant in the High Beach area of the Forest and also occurs in north Norfolk. R. pergratus Blanch. - Naturalised North American alien which is frequent and forms dense thickets in Hill Wood, TQ4097. R. pervalidus E.S. Edees - The Holotype was collected hy W.C.R. Watson from Broadstrood in 1937 and equated with R. atrocaulis. P.J. Muell., which is not British. The present name was published in 1978. I have not re-found it at Broadstrood, but have located it near the Jack's Hill car park, TQ4399 and on the Nursery Ground, TQ4196. The only other known site is in Surrey. R. polyanthemus Lindeb. - Co-dominant. One of the commonest British brambles, also present in north-west Europe. R. powellii Rogers - Formerly described as "Abundant and remarkably constant over the more elevated parts of Epping Forest" (Rogers 1900). During the present survey, I found a few very small bushes adjacent to the Furze Ground and two larger bushes to the south-east side of Little Monk Wood, TQ4298 and TQ4398. An Epping Forest endemic. R. pyramidalis Kalt. - One small bush at Broadstrood, TQ4399. Widely scattered in Britain and Ireland. Widespread in north-west Europe. R. rufescens Lef. & Muell. - Scarce. Hill Wood and High Beech, TQ4096 and TQ4097. Widespread in southern Britain and western Europe, preferring less acid soils. R. sprengelii Weihe - Common throughout much of the forest and also in southern Britain. Widespread on the continent of Europe.