120 The Essex Naturalist R. subinermoides Druce - Scattered down the east side of the forest from the Low Forest to Sandpit Plain. A widespread endemic in southern England. R. surrejanus W.C. Barton & Riddelsd. - New to Essex. One clump discovered in the Lower Forest, TL4603. An endemic, widespread in southern England. R. tuberculatus Bab. - Powell's Forest, TQ4094 and 4194 is the only locality discovered. Widespread in Britain and north-west Germany. R. ulmifolius Schott - Scattered and mainly around the forest margins. The common hedgerow blackberry of southern Britain and southern continental Europe, extending to North Africa. R. vestitus Weihe in Bluff & Fingerh. - Common throughout the forest and locally co-dominant. Common throughout Britain except for Scotland. Also present in western and central Europe. R. watsonii W.H. Mills - New to Essex. Hill Wood, TQ4097. There may be other sites, as the species was not recognised until after field work had been completed. A regional endemic from the east Midlands to Hertfordshire. R. winteri P.J. Muell. Ex Focke - New to Essex. One clump at the entrance to Bell Common, TL4401. Scattered in Britain, mainly in the Midlands. Also present in south-west Germany and north-west France. R. wirralensis A. Newton - One good colony at Broadstrood, TQ4398. Widespread and formerly regarded as endemic in western Britain, but becoming increasingly recognised elsewhere. In addition, an as yet un-named species was found to be frequent in the southern part of the area surveyed. This regional endemic which has now been found in scattered colonies roughly from the Humber to the Thames will, it is hoped, shortly be named in the journal Watsonia (A L Bull in prep.). Acknowledgements My thanks are due to the Superintendent of Epping Forest and to the Conservation Officer, Dr J. Dagley for permission to use my notes collated for Forest conservation purposes in the preparation of this paper. I would also like to thank the National Referee, Mr Alan Newton, for his help with identifying specimens and for encouraging me to write the paper in the first place. References and bibliography Edees, E. S., & Newton, A., 1978. Amendments to the British Rubus list. Watsonia 12: 1 33-136. - , 1988. Brambles of the British Isles. Ray Society. Rackham, O, 1986. The history of the countryside. Dent. Rogers, W. M., 1900. Handbook of British Rubi. Duckworth & Co. Watson, W.C.R., 1958. Handbook of the Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland. Cambridge University Press.