130 The Essex Naturalist L. ericaeus (Blackwall) Porrhomma microphthalmum (O. P. Camb.) LOCAL L. insignis O. P. Camb. Nb Savignya frontata (Blackwall) Linyphia (Neriene) clathrata (Sund.) Stemonyphantes lineatus (L.) Meioneta rurestris (C L. Koch) Syedra gracilis (Menge) Nb M. simpflicitarsis (Simon) Na Tapinocyba praecox (O. P. Camb.) LOCAL Micrargus herbigradus (Blackwall) Tiso vagans Blackwall M. subaequalis (Westr.) LOCAL Troxochrus scabriculus (Westr). LOCAL Microlinyphia pusilla (Sund.) Typhrochrestus digitatus (O. P. Camb.) LOCAL Microneta vana (Blackwall) Walckenaeria antica (C. L. Koch) Oedothorax fuscus (Blackwall) W. capito (Westr.) LOCAL O. retusus (Westr.) Ostearius melanopygius (O. P. Camb.) OPILIONES (Harvestmen) Panamomops sulcifrons (Wider) LOCAL Phalangiidae Pelecopsis parallela (Wider) LOCAL Mitopus morio Fab. Pocadicnemis juncea Lock. & Mill. Oligolophus tridens (C. L. Koch) Conclusions The already extensive list of plants and invertebrates, many nationally scarce, testify to the value of these ancient pasture sites. The present management, in the main, benefits the flora and fauna though how long this will last is open to conjecture. Public access is available on a public footpath over the brow of Broom Hill from the village of Biggin, through the old gravel pit to Gun Hill Lane and West Tilbury Village. References Falk, S., 1991. A Review of the Scarce and Threatened Bees, Wasps and Ants of Great Britain. Research and Survey in Nature Conservation, number 35: Nature Conservancy Council. - ,1991. A review of the Scarce and Threatened Flies of Great Britain: Part 1. Research and Survey in Nature Conservation, number 39: Nature Conservancy Council. Hyman, P.S. & Parsons, M. S., 1992. A Review of the Scarce and Threatened Coleoptera of Great Britain part I. UK Nature Conservation, number 3. Joint Nature Conservation Committee.