2 The Essex Naturalist During the course of the year we have held 47 meetings, several in conjunction with other bodies amongst which were the Colchester Natural History Society, the Essex Birdwatching Society and the Essex Rock & Mineral Society. Fourteen botanical meetings were held, nine concerning birds, four about mammals, three on geology and 14 of a more general nature (THAT MAKES 44). Three indoor meetings were held at the Red Cross Hall, Chelmsford. On 30th November Del Smith gave a talk entitled "The fascination of flies"; on 18th January Jerry Bowdrey spoke on "Gall wasps"; and on 8th February Gerald Lucy addressed members on "The ice age in East Anglia". The customary Boxing Day Ramble was organised this year by John and Maureen Tolfree and took place at South Weald Park. The Mycology Group, formed last year, has met five times including its Annual Meeting but has been disappointed by the poor showing of fungi during the autumn as a result of the dry weather conditions. On the publications front, four issues of the Newsletter were produced during the year, ably edited by Peter Harvey in spite of being hampered by a lack of contributions from members. Volume 13 (new series) of The Essex Naturalist was published in December and circulated to members in the new year. With this volume, out journal returned to its original format, carrying contributed papers rather than being a monograph. It was edited by Colin Plant and Peter Harvey. The sale of notelets, which were produced last year, proceeds steadily to produce an extra income to out funds and we must thank Tony and Judith Boniface for selling them. Finally, two requests were received from local radio stations to interview Essex Field Club members. David Bloomfield and Tony Boniface took the opportunity to give account of the Club's activities and advertise forthcoming meetings.