The Essex Naturalist 9 Since 1988, feedback from readers of the Recording Scheme newsletter has enabled the resolution of a great many problems and has enabled us to arrive at a situation where the production of hopefully simple to use but accurate keys is possible. These are currently in the last stages of production and will hopefully appear in late 1997. The British Fauna Confusion has arisen over the years from the steadfast opinion of British workers that all the green coloured "green lacewings" should be placed in the single genus Chrysopa. This in spite of a far more rapid progress on the continent. The old name Chrysopa is, in fact, more properly composed of six genera, namely Cunctochrysa, Chrysopidia, Chrysoperla, Nineta, Dichochrysa and Chrysopa. The name Dichochrysa is a very recent addition and may be unfamiliar to a larger number of entomologists. It arises from a split by Yang and Yang (1990) of the former genus Mallada (=Anisochrysa), with all British Mallada species so far known being referable to it. Other changes have also been made. Earlier British workers regarded Conwentzia pineticola as a mere form of C. psociformis, and Dichochrysa prasina as a subspecies of D. ventralis; neither view has been shared by workers elsewhere in the world. Numerous other changes have also been made over the years and to add even further to the confusion, two species appear to have colonised Britain, whilst a further five at least have been here quite undetected for many years. These are indicated in Table 1. Table 1: Species of lacewing recorded in Britain since the publication of Fraser's key by the Royal Entomological Society in 1959 Species MEGALOPTERA SIALIDAE Sialis nigripes NEUROPTERA CONIOPTERYGIDAE Coniopteryx esbenpeterseni C. lentiae Semidalis pseudouncinata HEMEROBIIDAE Hemerobius fenestratus CHRYSOPIDAE Chrysopa commata Cunctochrysa bellifontensis Nineta inpunctata MYRMELEONTIDAE Euroleon nostras Literature Reference Comments Barnard, 1977 Overlooked resident Plant 6k Hynd, 1991 Hynd, 1989 Plant, 1992 Overlooked resident Overlooked resident Probable recent colonist Plant & Barnard, 1988 Probable recent colonist Kis & Ujhelyi, 1965 Plant, 1993 Plant, 1996 Cottle et al. Split from C. phyllochroma Status uncertain Overlooked resident Overlooked resident