10 The Essex Naturalist Distribution Our knowledge of the distribution of British lacewings and allies has been expanded considerably during the past few years, since the National Recording Scheme for lacewings and allies was launched in April 1988. The contributions by amateur and professional entomologists to this scheme have culminated in the publication by the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology's Biological Records Centre of Provisional Atlas of the Neuroptera, Megaloptera, Raphidioptera and Mecoptera of the British Isles (Plant, 1994). It should be emphasised, however, that the maps in this work are provisional. There are large areas of Britain that are poorly recorded or not recorded at all for lacewings and this is particularly true for Scotland and Ireland. Nevertheless, some interesting snippets of information may be obtained from the data set of 14,094 records as it existed at the end of 1994 when the Atlas was published. The distribution maps show a positive bias of records in the south- east of England It is evident from reviewing the data on a Watson/Praeger vice-county basis that Surrey is the place to go to find lacewings, with no less than 63 species recorded for all time, of which 61 are reported in the present century and 51 in the "recent" (post-1979) period. The vice-counties in which 40 or more species are recorded are presented as Table 2. From this the relative position of Essex in the "league table" can clearly be seen, though it should be stressed that the Table shows South Essex (vice-county 18) and not the whole of the county area. Table 2: Comparison of numbers of species in vice-counties where 40 or more species have been recorded for all time Number of species recorded Vice-county Surrey (17) South Hampshire (11) Hertfordshire (20) Berkshire (22) Staffordshire (39) S. W. Yorkshire (63) Dorset (9) Caernarvonshire (49) South Devon (3) Middlesex (21) West Kent (16) South Essex (18) Bedfordshire (30) All time since 1899 since 197 63 61 51 53 51 28 50 49 41 49 46 33 46 46 34 44 43 36 44 41 17 42 42 30 41 36 27 41 39 26 41 27 12 40 40 39 40 39 17