22 The Essex Naturalist claims and people must not feel upset if I question any records, particularly in the absence of a voucher specimen. Certain moths, such as great oak beauty Boarmia roboraria, dark spectacle Abrostola triplasia and rufous minor Oligia versicolor, are easily confused with related species but may be more widespread than accepted records suggest. In particular the latter species has recently begun to appear on people's lists and may indicate a range increase but, lacking supporting evidence, cannot be proven. For really rare species, or species potentially new to the county, the Essex Lepidoptera Panel continues in being and helps to make any final decision. Macrolepidoptera recording in Essex at present is strong with a network of around sixty people who regularly send data, and some are turning their hand to the smaller moths which is to be greatly welcomed. There is however rather an imbalance in their distribution with relatively few workers active in south and west Essex. 1996 was dominated by the painted lady butterfly, of course, but holly blue, marbled white, great prominent and privet hawk-moth also had an excellent year. Welcome, too, were the appearances of autumn green carpet, barred chestnut, triple-spotted clay and dotted clay. My thanks to all the recorders for supplying me with so much of interest in a busy year. Limacodidae 0174 Triangle Apoda limacodes Hufn. Recorded again from two tracts of woodland in north east Essex, 31st July and 2nd August. Recorder's name and site withheld. First recorded from this site in 1987. Sesiidae 0373 Current Clearwing Synanthedon tipuliformis Cl. Allotments at Alresford, 11th July (R. Cottrill). Hesperiidae 1534 Grizzled Skipper Pyrgus malvae L. Reported from three sites during 1996, all near Basildon: Dunton Hills 7th June, Great Berry, Laindon 7th June, and Willow Park, Langdon N.R. 11th June (G. Bailey). Pieridae 1545 Clouded Yellow Colias croceus Geoffr. A total of 108 were reported from 55 sites, one of the best year for the species recently. Largest number from a single site was six at South Woodham Ferrers on 31st July (J. Dobson and J. Hurley) and six over a lucerne field at Maldon on 11th August (S. D. Wood). Dates range from June - September. Lycaenidae 1572 Brown Argus Aricia agestis D. &. S. Reported from 21 sites. Largest single counts of 15 adults from Stansted Airport lagoons, 20 August (A. Goodey)