24 The Essex Naturalist 1620 Marbled White Melanargia galathea L. Fair to large numbers were seen at Canvey Island during July by G. Bailey: 310 on the western sea wall and 23 near a rubbish dump on the eastern side of the island on 13th and 140 on the northern sea wall on the 27th. Geometridae 1677 Birch Mocha Cyclophora albipunctata Hufn. North Chingford, 7th June (B. Pateman). 1720 Gem Orthonama obstipata Fabr. There were four reports of this normally scarce migrant: Ongar (P.J. Merrett), Kirby-le-Soken (P. Bergdahl), Mistley (I.C. Rose) and St Osyth (R.W. Arthur). 1722 Flame Carpet Xanthorhoe designata Hufn. North Chingford, 2nd July (B. Pateman); Mistley, 13th August (I.C. Rose) and Old Heath , Colchester, June (E. Steet), Theydon Bois, six, 9th June to 25th August (J. G. Green). 1735 Ruddy Carpet Catarhoe rubidata D. & S. Stour Wood, Wrabness, 31st July (M. Tunmore et al.). 1736 Royal Mantle Catarhoe cuculata Hufn. Saffron Walden, 28th July (A. M. Emmet). Third record from this site since 1983. 1754 Phoenix Eulithis prunata L. Saffron Walden, 1996 (A. M. Emmet); Stour Wood, Wrabness, 31st July (M. Tunmore). 1761 Autumn Green Carpet Chloroclysta miata L. Mistley, 2nd September (I.C. Rose and J. Firmin). First Essex record since 1970. 1771 Juniper Carpet Thera juniperata L. Saffron Walden, 19th October (A. M. Emmet), Theydon Bois, four, 20th October to 27th October (J. G. Green). 1849 Ash Pug Eupithecia fraxinata Crewe. Jaywick, 6 August (J. Young). Specimen dissected. Small numbers encountered annually. Both ash and sea buckthorn occur in the Jaywick area (Tarpy, T., pers. comm.) in small quantities. 1868 Lesser Treble-bar Aplocera efformata Guen. Jaywick, 28th May (J. Young); Little Baddow Heath N.R., 23td August (G. A. Pyman). 1885 Clouded Magpie Abraxas sylvata Scop. Mistley, 27th July (I. C. Rose); Beaumont, 9th August (J. B. Fisher). Sphingidae 1976 Privet Hawk-moth Sphinx ligustri L. One of the best years ever recorded in Essex for this species with 39 moths reported from 17 sites. A migration would appear to have occurred during the middle of July. 1978 Pine Hawk-moth Hyloicus pinastri L. Occurred five times: at Little Oakley twice (M. Henchman and G. Slater), Saffron Walden 2nd and 5th July (A. M. Emmet), Mistley (I. C. Rose), and Daws Hall, Lamarsh (I.