28 The Essex Naturalist (where it remained) at the original site or in the same 1 Km square. A total of 25 Essex sites were searched with success in around 50% of these. Nests were found at all four sites in Tendring with other successes at Pitsea, North Ockendon, Bobbingworth and Newport. Where signs could not be found, the reason was generally the invasive effects of modern agriculture, urban development or the loss of suitable roadside verges. However, where habitat remains, then so do Harvest mice. In addition to the survey, other records came from Dagenham, Barking and Chigwell. Of other species, a Minke whale was found stranded at Purfleet and, unfortunately, attempts to return it to the river were unsuccessful. Since 1994, three species of whale have been recorded, Fin, Minke and a probable Humpback. The only other cetacean recorded was a porpoise, stranded on Mersea in August. Small mammal records are being collected by trapping and analysing owl pellets. To date eleven species of terrestrial mammal and two species of bat have been found in pellets and this technique has been particularly helpful in obtaining records of water shrews. Records of House mouse are very uncommon and it is not known whether this reflects a genuine scarcity, or highlights the difficulty in finding this species. Deer are perhaps commoner in Essex than ever before and four species have been recorded with several records of Roe deer in the north of the county.