The Essex Naturalist 35 after a period of decline. Mr S. Wilkinson has recorded it at a number of localities near Writtle between 1992 and 1997, in his own garden at Chelmsford before 1989 raiding his Victoria plum tree, at Great Leighs in 1993 and Hanningfield Reservoir in 1996. David Scott has recently sent me a specimen from his garden at Little Leighs where four were seen flying in an apple tree and reports that several were seen last year at a nest in a nearby hedge also recording a nest in his garage roof three years ago. It is possible to confuse Hornet workers with queens of the social wasp Dolichovespula media which has undergone a remarkable expansion in its range in the past few years and is now widespread in southern England as far north as Yorkshire. I would therefore urge recorders, especially non-specialists, to take voucher specimens so that the scientific validity of their records can be established. The taking of a voucher specimen will not harm a colony and despite their size Hornets are relatively docile. Solitary wasps (Family Sphecidae) Astata pinguis has been recorded sparingly at further sites in both north and south Essex during 1996 at Alsa Sand Pit, Alphamstone and West Thurrock PFA lagoons. Its chrysid parasitoid Hedychridium cupreum has yet to be recorded in Essex, although it was found at Thamesmead on the Kent side of the East Thames Corridor this year by Colin Plant and myself where the host was common on extensive areas of sparsely vegetated shelly sand. Raymond Uffen has provided a record of the local species Crossocerus cetratus taken at Hainault Forest on 14th June 1996. This seems to be new for Essex. The Nationally Scarce (Notable A) Crossocerus distinguendus may be increasing and has now been recorded from widely scattered sites in the county. New records come from Barking Levels in South Essex and Alphamstone in North Essex. The species could occur in many other sites including gardens in the county. Some local Ectemnius species seem very local in the county. One female Ectemnius lapidarius was taken at Sawbridgeworth Marsh by Charles Watson on 6th August 1996. The only other records seem to be from the same site and the nearby Rushey Mead N. R. in 1995 (Harvey & Plant, 1996). Ectemnius lituratus has heen recorded in recent years at Grays in the East Thames Corridor but new records for North Essex were made in August 1996 at Alphamstone and Broaks Wood. One female of the Nationally Scarce (Notable A) Psenulus schencki was taken at Barking Levels on 25th July 1996. The specimen was flying around Japanese Knotweed growing on PFA substrate from the old power station. The foliage of this same patch of Japanese Knotweed was in favour with a number of other interesting sphecid aculeates - the plant may have some good points after all! Females of Pemphredon morio (Notable B) were taken in July 1996 at Alphamstone in North Essex and in August at West Thurrock PFA lagoons in South Essex. The Alphamstone specimen would key to P. clypealis using Richards 1980, but recent work suggests that the species are a single highly variable species (Falk 1991).