The Essex Naturalist 43 proposed SINC site at Ferry Fields. Despite the Wildlife Trust arguing for the conservation of the site and evidence being provided to show that the site contained an invertebrate fauna easily comparable to that of SSSIs in the Thames Estuary region, planning permissions were given in December 1996 and all meaningful nature conservation interest of the site will shortly be lost forever. No acknowledgment was made in the planning process of the presence and importance of these populations and no mitigation measures were considered. Correspondence with the Chief Planning Officer received cursory repetitive replies containing no answers to my specific questions and with no explanation of the grounds for the Planning Office's recommendations to the Planning Committee. Further correspondence has subsequently been ignored. References Baker, D.B., 1994. On the nomenclature of two sibling species of the Andrena tibialis (Kirby, 1802) group (Hymenoptera, Apoidea). Entomologist's Gazette 45: 281-290. Day, M.C., 1988. Spicier Wasps (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae). Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 6 (part 4). Royal Entomological Society. Donisthorpe, H. St.J.K., 1927. British Ants, their life history and classification. 2nd ed. G. Routledge and Sons Ltd. London. Falk, S., 1991. A review of the scarce and threatened bees, wasps and ants of Great Britain. Research and survey in nature conservation, number 35. Nature Conservancy Council. Harvey, P.R., 1993a. Two new bees for Essex. Essex Field Club Newsletter 7: 3. - , 1993b. The Blue carpenter bee in South Essex. Essex Field Club Newsletter 8: 6. - , 1994. A Report on Mill Wood (Gibbs) Pit (Thurrock) and some remarkable new records. Essex Field Club Newsletter 11: 2-6. - , 1996a. A bee and spider-hunting wasp new to Essex. Essex Field Club Newsletter 17: 4. - , 1996b. The East Thames Corridor in Essex. Essex Field Club Newsletter 19: 2-3. - , 1996c. Second Essex record for the rare bee Macropis europaea. Essex Field Club Newsletter 19: 2. - , 1997. A second Essex record for the rare Chrysid wasp Chrysis gracillima. Essex Field Club Newsletter 20: 8. Harvey, P.R. & Plant, C.W., 1996. A provisional list of the bees, wasps ans and ants (Hymenoptera: Aculeata) of Essex. Essex Naturalist 13 (New series): 43- 115. Harwood, B.S., 1902. Aculeates at Colchester in 1902. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 38: 266-267. Harwood, W.H., 1884. The Aculeata Hymenoptera of the neighbourhood of Colchester. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 20: 211-213. Hoskins, W.G. & Dudley Stamp, L., 1963. The Common Lands of England & Wales. The New Naturalist series. Collins. Nicholson, C, 1928. Notes on the solitary bees and wasps of Essex. Essex Naturalist 22 (2): 81-95. Payne, R.G., 1997. Two rare insects found in 1996. Essex Field Newsletter 20: 7-8. Richards, O.W., 1980. Scolioidea, Vespoidea and Sphecoidea. Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects. Royal Entomological Society. Shirt, D. B., 1987. British Red Data Books: 2. Insects. Nature Conservancy Council.