The Essex Naturalist 45 Family Clubionidae The Nationally Vulnerable (RDB2) Clubiona juvenis has been collected from two sites in Essex, at Stanford Warren in South Essex where a number of females were taken on two occasions in 1987 from Phragmites heads and litter in Phragmites marsh and a single female at Old Hall Marshes on 23rd September 1995 (Harvey, 1996). I have recently been told that several years ago Stanford Warren was denotified as an SSSI, with one of the reasons being that the rare spiders recorded at the site by myself in 1987 were not known to still occur. If true, I find this an unbelievably short-sighted action. There is no doubt in my mind that if I was to search this locality again the rare spiders would be re-found. Crab spiders (Family Philodromidae) The Nationally Scarce (Notable B) Philodromus albidus, Philodromus collinus and Philodromus praedatus continue to be found in new localities. David Carr and myself found both P. albidus and P. praedatus at Alphamstone on 8th June 1996 and all three species at Aubrey Buxton N.R. on 7th June 1997. Philodromus albidus in particular does not seem to be as rare or localised in Essex as in other English counties. We find the species quite commonly and often in numbers. Elsewhere it has been reported as much scarcer and to be found only as individual specimens. Philodromus longipalpis is a rare spider first recorded in Britain from specimens I collected in Kent and Somerset which were identified by the Belgium arachnologist H. Segers. Ten British specimens are now known from widely scattered sites in southern England, including several in Essex. A sub-male was collected at Mill Wood Pit on 12th May 1996, off oak along the edge of the remnant wood, and this subsequently matured on 24th May. The rare heathland spider Philodromus histrio is only known in Essex from several Saltmarsh localities. The normal heathland colour and pattern are replaced by a distinctive variety, perfectly camouflaged againt the background of sea purslane and shrubby Seablite. On 12th May 1996 David Carr took a female at Crabknowe Spit near Great Oakley in North Essex. Jumping spiders (Family Salticidae) A single male of the Nationally Scarce (Notable A) Salticus zebraneus was recorded at Orsett Fen on 22nd July 1996. Like most other records of this species in Essex, it was found on the bark of a large oak. Strangely this rare species is more commonly recorded in the county than the other Salticus species associated with tree trunks, Salticus cingulatus. The Nationally Scarce (Notable A) Bianor aurocinctus seems to be widespread in open sparsely vegetated sites in the East Thames Corridor. Further specimens were found in August and September 1996 at West Thurrock PFA lagoons. During a visit to the Backwarden on 19th October 1996 David Carr and myself found Neon reticulatus in litter in relic heath and bog areas. Although previously recorded at