46 The Essex Naturalist this site, the species is extremely localised in the county. Euophrys lanigera was found at Harlow in 1996 by David Carr. This spider is probably still under- recorded in the county but is nevertheless rather uncommon. David Carr found another local species Euophrys aequipes was found at Newney Green and 1 found the species at Gravelpit Farm Pits in Thurrock. This very small species is associated with sparsely vegetated habitats where it may be found jumping amongst tiny plants. Sitticus pubescens is another local jumping spider usually found on old walls and outbuildings. It was recorded by Ray Ruffell at Colchester on 3rd June 1996 and by David Carr at Little Easton on 22nd June 1996, Good Easter on 1st June and Aubrey Buxton N.R. on 7th June 1997. Wolf spiders (Family Lycosidae) A single male and female of the Nationally Scarce (Notable B) Pardosa agrestis were taken at West Thurrock PFA lagoons during August and September 1996 and at Goshams Farm between Tilbury and East Tilbury in June 1997. The species always seems to be associated with habitats where there is a good proportion of bare or sparsely vegetated ground. Ray Ruffell found the Nationally Scarce Xerolycosa nemoralis at Iron Latch Lane between June and August 1996, the first record for North Essex and it was found again at Hadleigh Great Wood where a small area of heather is now becoming very overgrown. This is another species that favours bare ground, particularly open heathy areas in woodland where the spiders have excellent camouflage as they run over the litter and pieces of dry bark left after coppicing. Arctosa leopardus is extremely rare in the county, with an old record for Colne Point but it was still present in numbers at West Thurrock in August 1996 where it was first recorded on the Saltmarsh at Stone Ness in 1988. The only other Essex record is for a single female from Glemsford Pits in June 1992. Pirate spiders (Family Mimetidae) Two females of the Nationally Scarce Ero tuberculata were found by Ray Ruffell in his garden at Stanway on 15th September and 15th October 1996. One was taken off a tree trunk and the other from a hedge. Other records have been from gorse growing at relic heathland sites. Comb-footed spiders (Family Theridiidae) The Nationally Scarce (Notable B) Achaearanea simulans seems particularly common in Essex, with many records from scrub habitats across the county. David Carr and myself have recorded the species this year at Aubrey Buxton N.R., Good Easter in North Essex and Epping Thicks and Shoebury Old Ranges in South Essex. The visit to Aubrey Buxton N.R. on 7th June 1997 also resulted in records for two more rare spiders, the Nationally Scarce (Notable B) Theridion familiare found by David Carr on an old wall and Theridion blackwalli found on the side of a hut in the reserve. The Nationally Scarce (Notable A) Saltmarsh