48 The Essex Naturalist I learnt the species had heen photographed by J. Tyler in North Essex at the edge of a field at Alphamstone on 18th August. Ray Ruffell subsequently searched the area and found four more females in an uncut area in the middle of a field. In the light of this confirmed occurrence in north Essex, the previous report from Basildon can almost certainly be accepted but the species has previously only been known within a few miles of the south coast of England - so what is this spider doing turning up so far from its previous range, and in both the very north and very south of the county? If the species is spreading and this another possible example of global warming affecting southern England it will presumably turn up in sites between the south coast and Essex! In its known localities the spider occurs in rough grassland, waste ground, roadside verges, disused railway lines, coastal chalk grassland and the upper end of saltmarshes (Merrett, 1990) so there seems to be plenty of scope for a future increase in Essex! Keep your eyes open! Money spiders (Family Linyphiidae) A number of rare and local money spiders have been recorded. Oedothorax agrestis is rare in Essex but recent years have shown the species to be more widespread than previously thought, even though when found it is often confined to very small specific habitat areas. David Carr and myself recorded single females at Tilty and Bran End in June and November 1996. The very local Ceratinopsis stativa is a spider of old grasslands. We have recorded it from two new sites at Boxted taken by Ray Ruffell in late June/July 1996 and at Aubrey Buxton N.R. taken by David Carr and myself on 7th June 1997. The Nationally Scarce Saloca diceros is a tiny spider of wet fens and marshes. David Carr took a male in a spring-fed marsh near Good Easter on 30th November 1996. The Nationally Scarce (Notable A) Meioneta simplicitarsis seems to be widespread along the East Thames Corridor in Essex occurring on grazing marsh grasslands. Four males and one female were taken in June/July 1997 at Goshams Farm near the river between Tilbury and East Tilbury. David Carr recorded one female and several immatures of the Nationally Vulnerable (RDB2) Lepthyphantes midas in a beech rot-hole at Long Running in Epping Forest on 5th June 1996. The spider is only known from four ancient forest or parkland sites (Bratton 1991). This is the first Essex record since the species was recorded in Epping Forest by Tony Russell-Smith in 1980 despite various searches to locate it elsewhere in the county. References Bratton, J. H., 1991. British Red Data Books: 3. Invertebrates other than insects. JNCC. Harvey, P. R., 1996. Some interesting spider records for 1995. Essex Naturalist 13 (New series): 28-31. Harvey, P. & Murphy, J., 1985. Zodarion italicum (Araneae: Zodariidae), a species newly recorded in Britain. Newsletter of the British Arachnological Society 44: 4. Marriot, D., 1997. Zodarion italicum discovered in Hertfordshire. Spider Recording Scheme Newsletter 28: 4. Merrett, P., 1990. A Review of the Nationally Notable Spiders of Great Britain. No 127. Nature Conservancy Council.