70 The Essex Naturalist Angiospermae : Dicotyledones Consolida sp. larkspur. A single plant on newly pehhle-gravelled soil in Area 5, 06, in June 1995. Ranunculus acris meadow buttercup. Recorded in 1992 but not since. R. repens creeping buttercup. Recorded in N6 in 1992; Common in Redbridge Field, N5, m 1997. R. bulbosus bulbous buttercup. Recorded in N6 in 1992. Not noted since. R. ficaria lesser celandine. Recorded in 05 in 1992. A few patches in woods in Area 1, M6 in 1995; One small patch in rough grass at the west edge of gravel track, Area 2, N6, in 1994. Papaver somniferum opium poppy. Recorded in 05 in 1992; In newly landscaped area particularly along north boundary of Area 5, N6 and 06, in 1995; Some large plants near pylon in Area 6, 05, in May 1996. P. rhoeas common poppy. Recorded in N6 in 1992. In newly landscaped gravel soil in Area 5, 06, and Area 6, 05, in May 1995. Still present in both area in 1997. Fumaria officinalis common fumitory. A few plants by side of track in Area .3, N6, in 1995. Ulmus glabra wych elm. A single small tree - covered in seeds in April 1997 - in Area 3a, N6. Urtica dioica common nettle. Common in many areas. In 1992 covered some large areas, together with Conium maculatum. Quercus robur pedunculate oak. In The Wood, N5; At south end of Area 6, 05; along the Roding in Area 5, 06. Betula pendula silver birch. A few trees in The Wood, N5, and at south end of Area 6, 05. Atriplex prostrata spear-leaved orache. Recorded from Roding bank, 05, in 1991. A. patula common Orache. Recorded from 06 in 1992. Beta vulgaris ssp. cicla spinach beet. Two magnificent plants in gravel near hedge at east edge of Area 5, 06, in June 1996. Claytonia perfoliata spring beauty. Found in March 1997 in Area 1, M6, mostly at lett hand edge of path from Perch Pond to stable gate; another patch on Roding embankment, 06, at top east edge of riverside bank path in 1997. Stellaria media common Chickweed. Found in N5, N6 and 06 from 1992-97. Cerastium tomentosum snow-in-summer. Recorded from "basement" (Area 3a, N6) in 1992. Not present after landscaping in 1994. C. fontanum common mouse-ear. N6 in 1992. C. glomeratum sticky mouse-ear. Recorded from N6 in 1992. Myosoton aquaticum water Chickweed. On a mud bank in the Roding, 05, in September 1991. Silene latifolia white campion. Recorded from 05, 06, N5 and N6 from 1992-97. Some hybridisation (pink forms) with next species growing in Area 3, N6. S. dioica red campion. Recorded in N5 and 06 from 1992; Particularly on Park boundary embankment in Area 3, N6, this species grows together with S. latifolia. From 1992-97. Persicaria maculosa redshank. On new island in Roding, 05, August 1996. P. hydropiper water-pepper. By river and on new island in 05, August 1996. Polygonum aviculare knotgrass. On tracks: Area 1, M6, near Stable entrance and near hedge between Redbridge Field and Area 4, N6, 1992-97. Fallopia japonica Japanese knotweed. Near park boundary in Area 1, M6. On Redbridge Field embankment near The Wood, N5/6 from 1991-1997.