The Essex Naturalist 71 Rumex acetosella sheep's sorrel. Occurs in N6 and particularly on upper river embankment in 05. R. crispus curled dock. Quite common in Area 6, 05. R. conglomeratus clustered dock. Has been found in 06. R. obtusifolius broad-leaved dock. North end of Area 6, 06, 1996 to 1997. Hypericum perforatum perforate St. John's-Wort. Recorded in N6 from 1992. On embankment in Redbridge Field, N5, 1996-97; At south end of Area 6, 05, in 1997. Tilia x vulgaris lime. A large tree near the Dell Bridge entrance. M/N6, Area 1, M/N6. 1992-97. Malva sylvestris common mallow. Recorded from N6 and 05 in 1992; Scattered plants appealed on new gravel soil in Areas 5 and 6, in June 1995, increasing 1996 -97. M. neglecta dwarf mallow. Two plants found on new gravel soil in Area 5, O6, in June 1995. Viola odorata sweet violet. A single patch beneath trees at southern end of Area 5, 06, in March 1995 through to 1997. Bryonia dioica white bryony. Occurs in N5 at edge of wood and at the top of embankment above Roding, in 05, near south end of site. Popidus x canescens grey poplar. A stand of trees at neat park boundary, Area 1, M6. Salix fragilis crack-willow. A stand of trees near stable gates, Area 2, M6; In Area 4, 06; By riverside 06. S. caprea ssp. caprea goat willow. Many trees in Area 1, M6 and N6. Also in Area 4. Sisymbrium officinale hedge mustard. Recorded from 05 in 1992 and from 06 in 1996. Alliaria petiolata garlic mustard. Recorded from N6, 05 and 06 in 1992. Still present 1997 Arabidopsis thaliana thale cress. On upper river bank near pylon (05) from 1992-1997; Near allotments in Area 2, M5, in 1995. Barbarea vulgaris winter-cress. Recorded from N6 in 1992. Scattered plants growing on new gravel soil Area 5, N6, and Area 6, 05 in June 1995. Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum water-cress. On a mud bank in the Roding in 05, 1991; Plentiful near the outfall into the Roding (05/6) in August 1996. R. amphibia great yellow-cress. In mud at bottom of Roding bank in 05 in June 1995; Along both banks of Roding, 05 and 06 in 1996. Armoracia rusticana horse-radish. On Redbridge Field embankment in N5 from 1992-97; Particularly at south end of Area 6, 05, 1996-97. Cardamine hirsuta hairy bitter-cress. Recorded from edge of tarmac road in N6 in March 1992. Lunaria annua honesty. Recorded in the "basement" area (Area 3a, N6) in 1992; Absent in May 1995 after filling of hole. Erophila verna common whitlowgrass. Some large patches along main track in Area 6, 05 and 06, from 1992-97; Some on track between Area 2 and 3a in N6 in 1997. Capsella bursa-pastoris shepherd's-purse. Quite common, particularly at top of Roding embankment in 05. 1992-97. Lepidium draba hoary cress. Recorded in N6 and 05 in 1992. Increasing by track at east edge of Area 2, N6, May 1995 through to 1997. Also in Area 4, N6, in 1997 and Area 5, O6 in 1995. Coronopus didymus lesser swine-cress. Area 5, 06, in 1995; Some good patches on new gravel soil in Area 6, O5, in 1995. Diplotaxis tenuifolia perennial wall-rocket. On bare ground, particularly by side of tracks in N6, 1992-97; One plant in new gravel soil in Area 5, 06, in June 1995.