72 The Essex Naturalist Brassica rapa ssp. campestris wild turnip. A few plants scattered along the edge of The Wood, N5, in 1992. Some still present in 1997; Very common along the hanks of the Roding, 05 and 06, from 1992 to 1997. Reseda luteola weld. Recorded from 05, N5 and N6 from 1992. Widely distributed, particularly by track-sides; Many plants on appeared on new gravel soil in Area 6, 05 and O6 in June 1995. Sedum acre biting Stonecrop. On bare area along track between Areas 2 and 3a in N6; 06 by junction of tracks south of Area 4 and towards river, in 06. Filipendula ulmaria meadowsweet. Has been found in 06. Not seen recently. Rubus fruticosus agg. bramble. Various locations. R. laciniatus cut-leaved bramble. Recorded from near to upper bank of river (05/6) in 1992, hut not found recently. At east edge of track from Dell Bridge in Area 3, N6 in 1997. R. caesius dewberry. On upper bank of Roding in 05, September 1991. Not identified recently. Potentilla reptans creeping Cinquefoil. Quite common hy track-sides, particularly those between Areas 2 and 3a in N6 and those between Areas 4 and 6 in N6/O6. Geum urbanum wood avens. By gravel path in N6. Rosa canina dog-rose. A few shrubs occur in N6 and 05. Prunus spinosa blackthorn. By the linear hedge between Areas 4 and 5 in 06. from 1992; Two shrubs by bridle path fence Redbridge Field, N5. P. domestica ssp. insititia bullace. A few trees in south east corner of Redbridge Field by bridle path fence in N5. (August 1996). P. avium wild cherry. An isolated tree in Area 3a, N6. Some other trees near to Park boundary. P. laurocerasus cherry laurel. A shrub in Area 3a, N6, next to dogwood, in flower May 1993. Malus sp. apple. Three small trees in Area 2, N6. 1992-97. Sorbus aucuparia rowan. N5. S. aria whitebeam. N5, N6. Crataegus monogyna hawthorn. Area 2 in N6; Particulatly near pylon in Area 6, 05; Along river embankment in 06. C. laevigata midland hawthorn. A small tree in Area 2, N6. Robinia pseudoacacia false-acacia. A tree near Dell Bridge entrance, Area 3, N6. Galega officinalis goat's-rue. On banks of Roding in 05 and 06; On gravel in Area 6, 05, in June 1996. Colutea arborescens bladder-senna. A small shrub on cinder area near track in Area 2, N6 in 1991. Much favoured hy cattle, hut still present in 1997. Lotus corniculatus common bird's-foot-trefoil. Occurs in N6. L. pedunculatus greater bird's-foot trefoil. Recorded from 05. Vicia cracca tufted vetch. One plant amongst other vegetation in N6 in May 1992; More plants at east edge of gravel area and some among grass on river bank, Area 6, 05, in 1995. Lots more in 1996 and 1997. V. hirsuta hairy tare. Scattered on newly gravel soil in Area 6, June 1995. Much more by 1997. V. tetrasperma smooth tare. Scattered on newly gravel soiled area in Area 6, June 1995. V. sativa common vetch. Scattered throughout site.