The Essex Naturalist 73 Lathyrus pratensis meadow Vetchling. On river embankment in 05. L. latifolius broad-leaved everlasting-pea. Occurs at edge of glade in wooded part of Area 1, M/N6, recorded from 1991 to 1997; Both sides of track between Areas 4 and 6 in 06; By banks of Roding in 05/6 1996 - 1997. L. nissolia grass Vetchling. Some plants near to north side of concrete drying pans in Area 2, N6, in July 1992. In 1993 much more was found but in 1996 and 1997 none was seen. Melilotus altissimus tall melilot. Some plants identified in N6. M. albus white melilot. Quite common in Areas 3a, 5 and 6. Increasing since landscaping in 1993. M. officinalis ribbed melilot. Common in Areas 3a, 5 and 6. Medicago lupulina black medick. Particularly in Areas 2, 5 and 6 on gravel soils. M. sativa ssp. sativa lucerne. N6 and particularly Area 6, 05. M. arabica spotted medick. A small amount found along gravel path at top of river bank in 05 in April 1993; Plentiful in Redbridge Field, N6, in June 1996-97. Trifolium repens white clover. Commonly distributed. T. campestre hop trefoil. In Area 2, M6 and in Area 3, N6. T. pratense red clover. Commonly distributed. T. striatum knotted clover. A few plants in short grass just north-east of pylon at south end of Area 6, 05, in June 1997. T. arvense hare's-foot clover. A single plant found in new gravel soil in Area 6, 05 in June 1995; Many patches particularly at north end of Area 6 in 1996 and 1997. Laburnum anagyroides Laburnum. A single tree in Area 2, N6. Cytisus scoparius broom. A small amount in wooded part of Area 1, M6; A couple of shrubs in the Wood, N5, in 1997. Genista tinctoria dyer's greenweed. Three small patches north of access road in Area 1, M/N6. Lythrum salicaria purple-loosestrife. Roding banks in 05 from 1991 to 1997. Epilobium hirsutum great Willowherb. Roding banks in 05, August 1996. Chamerion angustifolium rosebay Willowherb. Occurs in N6 and near river bank in 05. 1991-1997 Oenothera (biennis) evening-primrose. A single plant found in Area 6, 05, in July 1997. Cornus sp. dogwood. A large shrub in Area 3a, N6; In full flower in June 1993. Ilex aquifolium holly. A small amount in The Wood, N5. Also occurs in 06. Mercurialis annua annual mercury. By west side of track between Areas 4 and 5, near junction of track-ways in 06. November 1995. Euphorbia peplus petty spurge. Recorded from N6. Acer pseudoplatanus sycamore. N6, 06. Geranium dissectum cut-leaved Cranesbill. Recorded in N5, 05 and 06 from 1992. Particularly common in Area 2 through to 1997. G. pyrenaicum hedgerow Cranesbill. At east edge of Area 5, 06, about half-way down in June 1996. G. molle dove's-foot crane's-bill. Recorded from 05 in 1992; Many plants growing on site of drying pans in Area 2, N6 in 1997. G. lucidum shining crane's-bill. Plentiful around concrete edges of drying pans in N5 and N6, particularly south facing, in May 1992. By 1995 after removal of concrete only persisted on gravel soil under shrubs in Area 3a, N6. Still a small amount here in 1997.