74 The Essex Naturalist G. robertianum herb-Robert. On the drying pans in N5 and N6 in 1992; Still present in Area 2 in 1997; also in 05 and 06. Erodium cicutarium common stork's-bill. Some scattered plants on disturbed ground at north end of Area 5 in 1995, similarly in Area 6, 05. Increasing by 1996 with some luxuriant patches in May/June. Still spreading in 1997. Impatiens parviflora small balsam. On a newly formed island in the Roding, 05, in August 1996. I. glandulifera Indian balsam. Noted along Roding river bank, 05, in 1992. There was a small amount in the sewage works in August 1996, but much more further south outside the site. Hedera helix ivy. In N6 and O6 and particularly in O5 along south west boundary fence. Hydrocotyle ranunculoides. Noted in still water of Roding between bank and new island in 05, August 1996. Anthriscus sylvestris cow parsley. In Area 5 in N6 and 06 and particularly along river bank in O5 and O6. 1991-1996. Aegopodium podagraria ground-elder. Occurs in N6. Foeniculum vulgare fennel. At south end of Redbridge Field, particularly at south east corner in N6. Conium maculatum hemlock. Covering some large areas of N5, N6, 05 and 06 in 1991. Less in 1992 when more nettles, and considerably less after landscaping in 1994. Still present in 1997 and particularly at the south end of Area 6 where some remains as an example of how the whole area used to look. Sison amomum stone parsley. A number of plants in older vegetation (see above) at south end of Area 6, 05, nearer to bridle path in 1996 Pastinaca sativa wild parsnip. One plant growing by edge of track between Areas 4 and 5, N6, in 1996. Heracleum sphondylium hogweed. Along boundary bank by Park in Area 3, N6, 1995. Solanum nigrum black nightshade. Occurs in N6. S. dulcamara bittersweet. Various locations in N6 and elsewhere. S. tuberosum potato. By the edge of The Wood near allotments, N5, in September 1996. Convolvulus arvensis field bindweed. In Area 3 in N6. Calystegia sepium hedge bindweed. On bank of Roding near new island, 05, August 1996. C. silvatica large bindweed. At east edge of Area in N6. Symphytum officinale common Comfrey. Occurs in N5, 05 and 06. Pentaglottis sempervirens green alkanet. By entrance gate in Area 1, M6, in June 1997. Spreading from just outside gate by stables. Myosotis arvensis field forget-me-not. Three plants on new pebble/gravel soil in Area 5, O6, June 1995. Stachys sylvatica hedge woundwort. A patch in Area 2 near The Wood, close to Redbridge Field in 1997. Has been recorded from N6. S. palustris marsh woundwort. By Roding, 05, in 1992. Many plants in this location by 1996. Ballota nigra ssp. foetida black horehound. Quite common in various locations, including within N6 and 05. Lamium album white dead-nettle. Quite common in various locations including Area 3, N6 and on upper River embankment in 05. L. purpureum red dead-nettle. Various locations including white-flowered form in south end of Area 3, N6, in 1997. Particularly along Roding embankment, 05.