The Essex Naturalist 75 Galeopsis tetrahit common hemp-nettle. Has heen found in N5 and N6. Glechoma hederacea ground-ivy. Quite common, occurring in M6, N5 and N6. Prunella vulgaris selfheal. A single plant found in Redbridge Field, N5, near the Wood, in June 1997. Melissa officinalis halm. Recorded from "basement" (Area 3a, N6) in 1992 and 1993. Not present after landscaping in 1994. Lycopus europaeus gipsywort. By River Roding in 05. August 1996. Mentha sp. mint. An unidentified species found in grass within Area 1, N6, in August 1992. Not found recently. Mentha spicata spear mint. In rough grass in Area 5, N/06, in September 1995. Plantago coronopus buck's-horn plantain. Scattered plants found on new gravel soil in 1995. Increasing subsequently, particularly in Area 6. P. major greater plantain. Not common but has been found at south end of Area 6, 05 from 1992 to 1997. P. lanceolata ribwort plantain. Very common. Many scattered plants on new gravel soil in Area 5 in 1995, and abundant particularly at north end of Area 6 in 1997. Buddleja davidii butterfly-bush. A small tree at edge of track in Area 3, N6; A seedling in new gravel at north west edge of Area 6, 06; A sapling in new gravel at south end of Area 6, O5, in 1996. Forsythia x intermedia forsythia. A tree in Area 2, N6. 1993-1996. Fraxinus excelsior ash. Some trees in Area 3, N6; A tree near pylon in Area 6 05; A tree hy track on east side of Area 5, 06. Verbascum thapsus great mullein. With previous species in July 1992; not seen in July 1995; Four plants in gravel, Area 6, in June 1996, none in 1997. V. nigrum dark mullein. By west edge of Redbridge field near clinker bed, (Area 3, N6) in July 1992. Three plants in July 1995; two in 1997. Scrophularia auriculata water figwort. Shady hank of Roding, 05 and 06. 1991-1996. Antirrhinum majus snapdragon. A multi-coloured plant growing in gravel in Area 6, 05 in June 1996. Not found in 1997. Linaria vulgaris common toadflax. On Park boundary bank and In grassland in Area 3, N6 from 1991 to 1997; At east side of path south of Dell Bridge entrance, Area 3, in August 1996. A small amount noted in Area 6, 05, in 1997. L. purpurea purple toadflax. A group on foundations of buildings by entrance track from stables in N6 in 1993. Digitalis purpurea foxglove. On Park boundary bank under trees in Area 3, N6, from 1992- 1996. Veronica beccabunga brooklime. On mud bank in Roding, 05, in 1991. As an island developed on this site, and became overgrown, this species was not recorded in subsequent years. V. arvensis wall speedwell. Occurs on track, N6, (June 1996). V. persica common field-speedwell. Particularly by the edge of track in N6. V. hederifolia ivy-leaved speedwell. Has heen found in N6. Galium verum lady's bedstraw. On lower Roding bank, nearer to south boundary of Area. 1997. G. aparine cleavers. Very common. Sambucus nigra elder. Common, found in N6, 05 and 06. Dipsacus fullonum wild teasel. Widely distributed but not abundant.