76 The Essex Naturalist Arctium minus lesser burdock. Scattered plants in various locations. A number of plants in new gravel, Area 6, 05, in August 1996. Cirsium vulgare spear thistle. Scattered plants in various locations including within N6 and O5. C. arvense creeping thistle. Scattered plants in various locations including within N6 and 05. Centaurea montana perennial cornflower. Has been found in N5, but not seen recently. C. nigra common knapweed. Particularly on west side of track separating Area 2 and Area 3a, N6. Hypochoeris radicata Cat's-ear. Found in Area 6, 05. 1995 - 1997. Leontodon autumnalis autumn hawkbit. Occurs in N6. Picris echioides bristly oxtongue. On new gravel soil, Area 6, 05, in 1995 and subsequently. P. hieracioides hawkweed oxtongue. Occurs in N6. Tragopogan pratensis goat's-beard. Has increased rapidly in recent years in all suitable area within the site - particularly Area 2, M6 and N6. T. porrifolius salsify. First found in Area 2, M6 in 1997. Probably originated from the nearby allotments. Sonchus oleraceus smooth sow-thistle. Found in N6. S. asper prickly sow-thistle. Found in N5 and N6. Lactuca serriola prickly lettuce. Found particularly in Area 2 N5 and N6, from 1991 - 1997. A few plants on new gravel soil, Area 6, 05, in June 1995. L. virosa great lettuce. Abundant on old drying pans in 1992 (Area 2 N6). Persists commonly in various locations. Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia dandelion. Widely distributed. Crepis vesicaria beaked hawk's-beard. Occurs in N6. Hieracium umbellatum hawkweed. Plentiful in N6, OS and 06 from 1995. Solidago canadensis Canadian golden-rod. Has been found in N6. Aster sp. Michaelmas-daisy. In N6 and by Roding bank in 05 from 1991 to 1997. Conyza canadensis Canadian fleabane. Occurs in N6. C. sumatrensis Guernsey fleabane. Found at north end Area 6, 05, in July 1996. Bellis perennis daisy. Common on Redbridge Field in N5 and N6. Tanacetum parthenium feverfew. Was present in "basement" (Area 3a, N6) in 1992, but not after landscaping in 1994. Artemisia vidgaris mugwort. Quite common in various locations. A. verlotiorum Chinese mugwort. A plant identified on a visit by the London Natural History Society in July 1996 in Atea 1, N6, just under trees near track separating Areas 1and 2. A. absinthium wormwood. A few plants to the north of the old drying pans in Area 2, N6, from 1992. Achillea millefolium yarrow. Common on Redbridge Field, particularly noticeable in 1997 after a four metre wide strip was left un-mown around the edges. Matricaria recutita scented mayweed. Very common on new gravel soils in Areas 5 and 6 from 1995. Leucanthemum vulgare oxeye daisy. Particularly on southern boundary of Redbridge field in N5. Increased noticeably in 1997 after a four metre wide strip was left un-mown around the edges.