The Essex Naturalist 77 Matricaria discoidea pineapple weed. Found on tracks in N6; A few plants on new gravel soil, Area 6, 05, in June 1995; More plants on the track separating Areas 4 and 5, in N6 and 06. Tripleurospermum inodorum scentless mayweed. Found in N6 and many plants on new gravel soil, Area 6, 05, in July 1995. Senecio jacobaea common ragwort. Widely distributed; particularly in N6. S. squalidus Oxford ragwort. A few plants in various locations. S. viscosus stinking groundsel. On old drying pans in Area 2, N5 and N6. S. vulgaris groundsel. Occurs in N6 and elsewhere. Tussilago farfara coltsfoot. A few plants found in N6; A group of plants in new gravel area, Area 6, 05, from 1995 to 1997. Bidens tripartita trifid hut-marigold. On new island in Roding, 05, in August 1996. Angiospermae: Monocotyledones Sagittaria sagittifolia arrowhead. By Ilford bank of Roding, 05. August 1996. Alisma plantago-aquatica water-plantain. A luxuriant clump at edge of Roding river bank at water level, 05, June 1995. Arum maculatum lords-and-ladies. A patch at bottom of Park boundary bank. Area 3, N6, 1995. Schoenoplectus lacustris common club-rush. A large patch grows by the river to the north of the outfall in 06, 1992-97; Growing on new island in Roding, 05, in August 1996. Festuca arundinacea tall fescue. Both sides of track near stables, Area 1, M/N6, 1996. F. rubra rubra red fescue. Occurs in 05. Lolium perenne perennial rye-grass. Noted in N6 and 05. Vulpia bromoides squirreltail fescue. On upper bank of Roding (from 1992) and increasing, particularly by track, 05> June 1996. Poa annua annual meadow grass. Near stables in Area 1, M6. P. trivialis rough meadow grass. Has been noted in various locations. P. pratensis smooth meadow-grass. Has been noted in various locations. Dactylis glomerata Cock's-foot. Quite common, occurring for example in N6 and 06. Arrhenatherum elatius false oat-grass. 05 in 1996. Holcus lanatus Yorkshire-fog. Upper bank of Roding, 05, 1996. Aira praecox early hair-grass. On bare soil in Area 2, N5. Phalaris arundinacea reed canary-grass. A small patch near The Wood in N6; Established on new island in Roding, 05 by August 1996; 06 At edge of Roding at south end of square in August 1996. Agrostis capillaris common bent. 05, 1996. Alopecurus pratensis meadow foxtail. Upper hank of Roding, 05. Phleum bertolonii smaller cat's-tail. Common in various locations, for example along upper bank of Roding, 05. P. pratense timothy. O5, 1996. Bromus hordeaceus ssp. hordeaceus soft brome. Quite common in N5, N6 and 05. Bromopsis erecta upright brome. Recorded from 05 in June 1996. Anisantha sterilis barren brome. By upper hank of Roding, 05, 1996. Elytrigia repens ssp. repens common couch. Found in various locations. Hordeum murinum wall barley. Quite common in scattered patches, for example by Roding bank in 05 from 1991; In N5, N6 and 06.