78 The Essex Naturalist Typha latifolia bulrush. By Roding, north of outfall, 06, 1992-1997. Hyacinthoides non-scripta bluebell. Occurs in Area 3, N6, particularly near Park boundary. Allium vineale wild onion. A small amount found at north end of newly gravelled Area 5, 06, in April 1995. A few stems present in 1997, and also one in Area 6, N6. Narcissus spp. daffodil. A few clumps on east side of concrete drying pans, Area 2, N5/N6, noted from 1993-1997; At north end of newly gravelled site in Area 5, 06, in April 1995. Total 237 species. TABLE 2: Species recorded by Plant (1980) and not re-found. Equisetum fluviatile water horsetail. Ranunculus peltatus pond water-crowfoot. Cannabis sativa hemp. Betula pubescens downy birch. Alnus glutinosa alder. Erysimum cheiranthoides treacle mustard. Rorippa sylvestris creeping yellow-cress. Cardamine pratensis cuckooflower. Thlaspi arvense field penny-cress. Brassica oleracea cabbage. Sinapis arvensis charlock. Fragaria vesca wild strawberry. Epilobium montanum broad-leaved Willowherb. E. ciliatum American Willowherb. Mentha aquatica water mint. Carduus crispus welted thistle. Crepis capillaris smooth hawk's-beard. Total 17 species.