80 The Essex Naturalist buildings and posters were put up drawing attention to the survey. An abbreviated version of the form was also printed in The Courier, a local authority newspaper distributed to almost all 62,000 households in Colchester borough. Publicity was also obtained in the local press and the survey was launched on 14th May 1996. Results Survey Returns By the end of 1996, 494 responses had been received, comprising 346 from the distributed leaflet (plus nine disallowed), 54 from publicity in The Courier and 73 from other sources (plus 12 disallowed). Records were disallowed if they fell outside the survey area or obviously involved species other than L. cervus (mainly Dorcus parallelipipedus and Carabus violaceus). Distribution and abundance Records were received from all over Colchester Borough and adjoining areas of north-east Essex, with a bias towards the more heavily populated areas. Table 1 summarises the records by Parish. The present survey recorded 2,664 individuals from 29 Parishes. Table 1. Estimated numbers of stag beetles Lucanus cervus recorded per Parish 1996 Number of Number of Parish individuals (estimated) Parish individuals (estimated) Abberton 1 Layer-de-la-Haye 3 Aldham 1 Little Clacton 1 Arlesford 2 Little Horkesley 6 Boxted 29 Little Tey 1 Colchester 2198 Mistley 53 Dedham 22 Peldon 1 East Donyland 4 Rowhedge 15 Elmstead Market 5 Stanway 20 Gestingthorpe 2 Thorpe-le-Soken 1 Great Bentley 2 Tiptree 1 Great Bromley 1 West Bergholt 30 Great Horkesley 6 Wivenhoe 252 Great Oakley 2 Wix 2 Lamarsh 1 Wormingford 1 Langham 1 A direct comparison with Clark's 1963 and 1964 surveys is not valid as his survey counted only live individuals and he had fewer observers at his disposal. Also the length of the L. cervus life cycle 31/2 years) means that numbers of adult individuals within populations vary from year to year in any given area. Instances where singletons only have been recorded may reflect a tendency for