112 The Essex Naturalist 1963-1964 : Very bad winter for the fallow. Many killed on the roads. Of the 13 road casualties examined, all of them had old or recent shotgun wounds. 1964 : Black to common deer ratio estimated to be 80:20. *1980 : Black to common deer ratio estimated to be 90:10. 1983 : M25 built through North of forest. 1989 : Black to common deer ratio estimated to be 50:50 1990 : Black to common deer ratio estimated to be 80:20 1996 : Black to common deer ratio estimated to be 60:40. Sources: Addison (1977), Buxton (1923), Chapman (1977), Cole (1887, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1901) Corke (1979), Langbein (1996), Leutscher (1974), Lindley (1886). Perceval (1909), Webster (1990), Location of fallow deer since 1809 This section draws together the information on location and numbers. 1809 : Leytonstone. 1830s : Leytonstone, Chingford and the plains bordering the forest. 1897 : Deer found in estates adjoining the forests (now called the bufferlands). 1900 : 200 deer found in the forest, 50 in surrounding estates. 1901 : 186 deer found in the forest, 50 in adjoining estates. 1909 : Deer only found north of High Beach, particularly the woods of Loughton and Theydon Bois. 1923 : Deer no longer found south of Chingford station. Still found in Loughton Camp, Monk Wood, St. Thomas' Quarters, Theydon Thicks and Honey Lane. Deer are always to be found within 1 mile of the Wake Arms. 1940s : Deer reported still in the Southern part of the forest, e.g. Cuckoo Pits. 1944 : Wild fallow reported at Parndon Park (south of Harlow). 1946: Fallow seen at Aimes Green. 1960s : Most deer sightings now in bufferlands to the north of the forest. 1960 : White Stag found near Wake Arms. 1963 : All sightings occur in the north of the forest, but one fallow is killed on the road in the south (exact location unspecified). 1966 : 61 found in Woodredon, Warlies Park, Galleyhill and Copthall. 4-7 found in the forest on an annual deer count. 1974 : Deer found in Epping Thicks, Woodredon, Copthall. Some are reported to return to the forest in the winter months. Deer are also seen in the fields between Theydon Bois and Debden Green. 1977 : Deer now common in North and West Essex, Latton Park, Mark Bushes (near Harlow), Harold Hill and Harold Wood (Greater London). 1980's : Connaught Water, Bury Wood, Manor Road, Warren Wood. Herds up to 8. 1986 : Most sightings in the north of the forest or the Wake Arms area. 1986 : As far South as Connaught Water (note how this account contrasts with the one above of the same year), and spreading further. 100 black fallow seen. Also as far North as Harlow. They appear to be deserting the forest.