The Essex Naturalist 117 is separated by a single, composite secondary row, without spines. Very often in Chara vulgaris, for example, narrow tramlines of primary row cells grow all the way until they meet at the centre of an internode, while the secondary row cells lag behind, and subsequently push their way along the gaps inbetween the primary rows, like fat fingers. In other species, both secondary rows grow at the same rate as the primary rows, and so form two secondary rows without spines, between each spine bearing row. This may all sound very confusing but should become clear from the diagrams in the pamphlet. Whichever of these three types of development occurs, is genetically determined and highly conserved in any one taxon. From the observers point of view, it is therefore very important to look at a new specimen initially under a microscope and check for spine cells, which in some species simply remain as small round or oval cells, whereas in others they develop into groups of one, two or three projecting spines. Very often they develop on the young, short internodes, and then drop off as they elongate. Having found these, one needs to check whether the spines or spine cells occur along every row, every other row or every third row of the cortex. It is always best to establish this pattern by looking either just below or just above a mature node, as if the cortex is incomplete in the middle of a node, it may be difficult to decide. Note (as few artists have!) that spines point downwards, on the primary cortical rows growing downwards from the node, and point upwards on primary rows growing up from the node. In the case of many Chara species the plants become encrusted with a crystalline layer of calcium carbonate in the form of calcite, making it difficult to observe surface features. In calcium-rich waters, this is achieved by active secretion of OH' ions, resulting in CO32- saturation of the water around the plant, and consequent precipitation of calcium carbonate on its surface. Half an hour or so in neat vinegar, however, is usually sufficient to allow the acetic acid to decompose the carbonate to carbon dioxide bubbles, thus revealing the structure of the cortex. Having decided whether spines are borne on every cortical cell row, every other or every third, - one then needs to determine whether the rows that bear the spines are prominent, thus forming ridges, with the secondary rows narrower and sunken, or whether the spine bearing primary row is sunken in a groove with prominent secondary rows forming the ridges. This is a more plastic character than the number of secondary rows and in some cases even cutting a section may reveal only a slight difference. In Chara, Lamprothamnium, and the one genus not represented in Britain, Lychnothamnus, either one or two potential circlets of spine-like cells surround each node. With two upper and two lower STIPULODES, as they are called, per branchlet, in Chara, or just one downwardly pointing stipulode per branchlet, as in Lamprothamnium. In some Chara taxa, these cells may be minute and globular, and one row may even be suppressed. In most Charas however they point upwards and downwards as paired spine-like cells, the upper row usually being better developed than the lower. Just like the main axes, the branchlets in Chara